Day 20: Saddest Moment

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Build spoilers

The introduction of the Blizzard knuckle was a great thing to see, but also a sad event to witness.

Kazumi knew the risk of using it with conjunction of the Build driver, but did so anyways to prevent Evolto from causing more destruction.

The fight between the Hokuto trio and Grease Blizzard was an impactful battle for me. It meant that riders are willing enough to sacrifice their lives as long as they don't die in vain.

The aftermath was what got me. That scene revealed by Misora didn't call Kazumi by his real name (it was like so he doesn't get jinxed and die immediately or something)

And then, the sorrows came in. You see Kazumi fading away as he and Misora begin to weep, as a comrade is about to be lost. And once left the Earth, there's no more of him.

And to bring the solemn even more, Grease's sclashjelly and fullbottles are shown, then fade to black and white, to show that he has been deceased.

That really affected me in many ways. First off, damn does Kouhei Takada like having a protagonist dying at the end.

Second, it felt very lingering for me. Kazumi was a fun character to see and the fact that it soon leads to his death indeed made me really sad.

That is why Grease Blizzard is my personal saddest moment in Kamen Rider history.

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