Day 3: Favorite Series

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It would be Gaim or Kuuga tbh, but honestly as much as I would pick those, I need to fully finish those shows before I get to them.

So I'll have to choose a favorite show that I've fully watched or close to finished.

So my top picks right now are Kabuto, Den-O, and Build. But when it comes to a perfect plot as a whole, it's Build.

I think that characters have had a great story and side development given to them. It was heartbreaking to see many perish (I'll get to that someday later), but it felt so right for me.

Along with a catchy theme song, this show meant that not everything was love and peace. We must strive through the assaults of war first to achieve that goal. And I think that's what every Build protagonist wanted.

Also the Sento-Ryuga buddy ship. Yey.

Go ahead and watch the series if you haven't.

Next day.

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