Day 26: Least Favorite Finisher

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Ok, most of the Rider finishers are great. However, there is one that raises my eyebrow in confusion.

It's Gatack imitating Kabuto's Rider Kick. Like really, did you think you would destroy the worms by imitating Kabuto's finesse and skill?

It also turns out that Kabuto's Rider Kick is officially named "Counter Kick".

Ok ok ok, I'll just be serious here and say that my least favorite finisher in a series that's not a hyper battle video...

Is Sagozo. It's kinda hard thinking of a bad finisher because most of them are good.

But Sagozo? Compared to his other domino finishers it's really mediocre. He stomps and headbutts you. Kinda boring.

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