Happiness (17)

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Breakfast was jovial as usual as they spoke about their plans.  Rose had a lot to do, planning for Axel’s birthday in two months.  Brice and Axel had to train with the guards. While Derek had to write a letter to his friend.  Elise had to open the clinic and begin treating the villagers that had lined up in front of the clinic at sunrise, even though they know that the clinic doesn’t open until midmorning.  

With nothing to do, Sabine suggested to work at the clinic with Elise, however she was warned that the villagers might not be welcoming of her skills, due to the fact that they came to the clinic to be treated by Elise.  Sabine didn’t agree with the statement, but continued to pursue her own truth that the villagers would give her a chance once they know how talented she is.

To no one’s surprise, once the clinic opened, Sabine was turned down by the villagers.  They came to the clinic to have Elise treat them, not some one they never met before. Sabine could only hold back her tears and her pride as she aided Elise in her treatments.  

Was this all she was meant to achieve in her life?  Sabine thought as she cleaned up after the last patient.  She was never second best in her life, could she settle to be second best standing next to Elise?  The way Elise worked, how proficient she was in her knowledge and treatment was way beyond Sabine’s experience.  She began to learn why Elise was known as God’s Hands and began to hate that name.

The long line of villagers were soon cleared up by noon as lunch was served, the family got back together to eat.  

“How did the clinic go today?”  Brice asked. “I hope the villagers were not rude to you, Sabine.”  

“They weren’t.  But Elise was right, they didn’t give me a chance because they were all waiting for her.”  

“I’m sorry to hear that.  I hope they still treated you well.”  

“They did.  It was alright though.  I was able to shadow and learn from Elise and realized my own lack of knowledge, experience and understanding of people and medicine.  I can only hope to be half as great as Elise.”

“Have you ever thought about going to medical school.  What you learn and experience there can further your knowledge and experience.”  Brice asked.

“I have, however I cannot afford medical school.”  

“The medical school that Elise went to lets smart students enter the school with a scholarship.  As long as the students keep their scores up, they could keep studying medicine. If you need a recommendation, I can write you one.”  Derek told her.

“Thank you, that would be wonderful.”  Sabine told him.

But her heart was conflicted.  If she went to medical school, she could learn more about medicine and help others.  She could also catch up to Elise’s knowledge and experience. But she would be away from Axel for a long period of time.  By that time, Axel and Elise would be married and she would not have a chance to be together with him.

If she stayed, she could have a chance with Axel, if she confessed her feeling to him.  They could fall in love and get married. Her life with Axel would be on the correct path for her.  

Sabine frowned and continued eating in silence.  Her thoughts lost in her troubles. By the time Rose called her name, she realized that Axel and Elise had left.  

“Where’s Axel and Elise?”  Sabine asked as she forced a smile on her face.  

“The two lovebirds have gone on a ride together.  Says they're going to explore Devereux’s lands, but what part of our lands have they not saw already?”  Brice told her.

“Oh.”  Sabine said as her heart felt heavy.  “Has Elise and Axel been betrothed for a long time?”

“Since they were babies, they’ve been betrothed.”  

“Why didn’t they marry when they were younger?  They are almost 30 years old.”

“Sometimes life brings obstacles in your way and it takes time to find the correct path.  For Elise and Axel they walked a different path, but their paths crossed back together. What was meant to be, will be.”  Rose told Sabine.

“Oh.”  Sabine said as she excused herself.  What she heard from Rose’s explanation was not the heart of the message, but what she found out about Axel and Elise’s relationship.  They both did not want to be engaged with each other, so they went their separate ways. That means that Sabine still has a chance to win Axel’s heart.  

With a new found hope in her decision, she went towards the stable and had the stablemen ready a horse for her.  Once she got on, she rode out towards the direction Axel took her to yesterday, in hopes that he would take Elise the same way.  

Axel and Elise spent their afternoon showing each other their favorite place on Devereux’s land.  Elise showed him a cave that had a beautiful vista that at the other side of the cave. The two of them sat next to each other and talked about the past years and when the sun began to set, they left Elise’s favorite spot and went to Axel’s.  

When they arrived at the waterfall, they found that his favorite spot was occupied by someone else.  

Sabine sat on the large rock by the edge of the waterfall.  The droplets of water had made her clothes damp, but she didn’t care.  She had waited there for over 4 hours and prayed that Axel and Elise would come.  She was determined to wait for them, even until nightfall. When Sabine heard the slow clattering of the horses her head looked up.  

Before Sabine was a couple that matched each other.  Elise's softness smoothed over Axel's sharpness. Elise's gentleness weakened Axel's severity. The couple before her was like pieces to a puzzle that fitted perfectly together.

The image of the perfect couple made her heart even more sour because she felt deep down inside that the woman who should have been by Axel’s side, was her. It was now or never,  she would confess to Axel and if he turns her down, she’ll leave Devereux’s land and never come back. This would be his only chance to be with her.

Sabine stood up and the smiling couple finally saw her.  Stopping not too far away from Sabine, Elise greeted her without getting off of their horse.  

“Hello, Sabine.  What brings you out here?”  Elise asked as she pats her horse.  

“I came out here to find the both of you.”  Sabine said as she gathered her courage. “I have something to say to the two of you.”  

Axel looked over at Elise, however she still had a smile on her lips.  

“Sure.  What would you like to say to us.”  

“Elise.”  Sabine said as she looks over at Elise.  

Her vibrant pastel violet hair glistened against her soft skin.  The confidence inside of Elise radiated without a word. Suddenly she hated that confidence that Elise had inside of herself.  She hated looking at Elise even more. She hated Elise’s existence.

“If you are not serious in Lord Axel, I think you should leave.  It’s not fair for him if you don’t like him and you’ll be wasting both of your time.”  Sabine told her.

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