The Lazy Life of Raine

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Raine opened her eyes and saw the dreaded white ceiling.  She looked to her left and right, but immediately stopped as her breath became erratic.  The white wall to her left has a landscape picture hanging on it. To her right, was a window.  Outside of the window was blue skies. There was a television in front of her, and several machines that she was connected to.  

Raine knew this place.  This was the place of her death on Earth.  It was her hospital room. Her laptop was open and her email showed that the email she wrote was successfully sent.  She had just sent her siblings her last email.   

“Calm down.”  Raine said as she struggled to sit up.  

Raine checked her wrists and neck to see if the metal cuffs were still on her, but there was nothing.  Raine pulled the blanket over legs and saw that there was nothing on her ankle as well.  

Raine looked around the room suspiciously, not believing her surroundings.  Headquarters could have sent her to a parallel timeline of her world. Or everything that she was experiencing could be a simulation.   

The nurse walked in and greeted Raine.  

“Good morning.”  The nurse said as she smiled at Raine.  “Do you need assistance to the bathroom?”  

“No.”  Raine said as she stood up.  “No, thank you.”  

Raine wheeled her IV drip with her to the bathroom while looking back at the nurse to see what the nurse was doing.  

“Alright then.” The nurse said as she looked over Raine’s chart and checked the equipment. “Did you sleep well last night?”  

Raine entered the bathroom and closed the door.  When she looked at the mirror, the face staring back at her was not her original face.  It was the face that has been altered and changed.  

Right then she knew she was still in Headquarter’s hands. 

“What’s going on?”  Raine whispered as she used the bathroom and flushed it.  

While washing her hands, she looked around the small bathroom for any clues, but couldn’t find anything off.  Raine walked out of the bathroom and saw that the nurse had waited for her.  

The nurse smiled gently at Raine and waited until Raine got into bed before helping Raine with her blanket.   

“Did you have any issues last night?”  

Ranie shook her head no as the nurse took her vitials. 

“The doctor will be making his rounds soon.  If there anything you’re worried about or if you have any questions you would like to ask, you can ask him when he’s here.”  

Raine nodded her head.  

“Did you get in contact with your family?”  

Raine nodded her head.  

“Okay.  That’s good.  If you need anything, just ask.”    

The nurse left and closed the door after her.  

Raine closed her eyes and concentrated on the magic inside of her.  The cultivated magic inside of her was very little, it was as if all the pain that the Succubus ate and converted into energy for her was spent.  Raine began to cultivate the small magic energy in the air.  

She steadied her breathing and cultivated, waiting for Headquarter’s next move.  The doctor came and left, just checking on her chart before leaving. He did not wake Raine up, seeing how she was sleeping.  

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