Chapter 22: Coming to a Close

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Scorpius pulls out of the hug with his father and immediately looked around for Albus. He saw the boy sleeping in the bed next to his. And isn't sure how to feel about it.

"Dad is Albus okay?" Scorpius asks nervously.

"He will be eventually" Draco sighs.

"What happened to him?" Scorpius asks, Draco sighs and reluctantly tells him.

"Well unlike you Albus was awake almost the whole time you two were in the forest, and he tried to fight back but was bound and was tortured with the Crucitous curse a few times so it slightly altered his mind he has to stay a while longer to make a full recovery" Draco explains to his son.

Scorpius was shocked, no speechless he didn't know what to say. He didn't know what was worse the torture or the side effects of it. He feels horrible about it, cause hasn't his boyfriend endured enough this year, can he ever catch a break. First all that shit with Marcus and now this, the poor boy can't get a break.

"So he's asleep? When's he going to wake up?" Scorpius asks.

"He was frantic and paranoid so Madam Pomfrey had to give him a sleeping drought so he'll be asleep for hours. It was only given to him a couple hours ago" Draco says. Scorpius nods at the information.

He doesn't say anything else, but he just pushed the covers off of himself and swings his legs over the bed to stand up. Draco puts his hand on Scorpius' arm to stop him but Scorpius stands up and walks over to Albus' bed and gets into the bed next to him and just holds him. Draco smiles at him and then decides to leave the hospital wing to join the others at dinner.

It's been a week, Scorpius is out of the hospital and visits Albus. Who is still recovering, but is doing better everyday. The OWLs are just days away now and every fifth year is cramming in the library, in the common room or in Scorpius and Albus' case the hospital. Unfortunately, Albus isn't able to play in the final Quidditch match. The match to determine the what team gets the cup. Albus wanted to rematch Gryffindor but can't being he's still in the hospital and hasn't been at practice, Flint has had to put in a substitute seeker.

However he's been able to sweet talk Madam Pomfrey to allow him to at least watch the game from the stands. Scorpius helps him get there, and he's so excited to do something different. Since he's woken up it's been talking to Madam Pomfrey and Scorpius about what happened and studying. So this is a nice change for Albus.

Sitting in the stands watching is a different experience. Before this year he never really went to watch the Quidditch games but after being the one out there playing it's different. He'd rather be playing but even he knows that's not an option.

The game is about half an hour in and Slytherin is in the lead 50 to 30. Fifteen minutes later Gryffindor is now in the lead 60 to 50. An hour later Slytherin takes back the lead 110 to 90. But Albus' cousin Roxy and the new seeker for Slytherin are going after the snitch. Chasing it all over the pitch, he sees Roxy reach out for it but then a blugder hits her and Slytherin grabs it. Slytherin wins! Albus was so excited about it, and his excitement got Scorpius excited. However he can't join the rest of the house in the common room for a party he has to go back to the hospital wing, which he's stated more than once sucks.

The two reach the hospital again, and Madam Pomfrey gives him is daily potion. Even though Albus is doing way better then he was a week ago, he still has a way to go. He did take notice of his cousin in there getter her arm looked at, and healed up quickly. Then she was out of there within minutes.

"Well I'm going to go down to dinner, and I'll bring something back for you okay" Scorpius says after a couple hours of more studying.

Albus just nods and leans over to kiss the other boy's cheek. Scorpius blushes at the gesture and smiles. He gets up and leaves. Albus decides to nap while he's gone.

Monday comes along and it's the start of the OWL exams. Albus is allowed to go back to the dorms and tests but he still has to take a daily potion to make sure he keeps progressing well. First is the transfiguration OWLs. Next is the DADA, then there's a break for lunch. After lunch is ancient runes and potions. It's been a long day of testing for the fifth years. Tuesday is Chams, Divination and Care of Magical Creatures. Wednesday is astronomy, muggle studies, history of magic and herbology. Finally Thursday is arinthmacy. The week goes by with the tests and once they're all over it's like you can hear one large sigh of relief from the whole fifth year.

Albus and Scorpius return to the dorms after that last test and just flop onto their beds. Their brains are fired and Albus fell asleep.

"Al..." Scorpius says after a few minutes.

Then he looks over and sees that he's sleeping. So he just lays there and wait for Albus to wake up. It's twenty minutes before Albus wakes up again from his nap. Scorpius is just sitting on his bed reading a book.

"Morning sleeping beauty" Scorpius teases.

"You know sleeping beauty?" Albus asks.

"Of corse I do, your sister insists I watch Disney with her when I'm at you're house" Scorpius tells him.

"Right, forgot about that" Albus says.

"So you ready to go up to dinner or do you wanna wait a bit?" Scorpius asks.

"Uh, we can go yeah let me just use the loo, and we can head out" Albus says standing up and heading to the bathroom. Albus comes back and the boys go to dinner.

Saturday the school heads out to the Hogsmeade station and all the students file onto the Hogwarts Express to go home for the summer. That's something Albus isn't looking forward too. Cause that means he has to be away from Scorpius for a few weeks before she's allowed to go see him. Also since Scorpius and his father travel to France to visit his grandparents, it doesn't trill Scorpius but he has too. It's a long trip to London so Scorpius and Albus find a compartment. Then they're soon joined my the Nott twins. They talk and catch up then they sit in silence for a bit Scorpius reads while Albus lays his head on Scorpius' lap, the twins opposite them.

The trolly witch again skips them, so Brian Nott goes after her. Then he comes back with all kinds of sweets, and they all just sit there enjoying candy and just being sixteen. Eventually the Nott's get up to leave the compartment because Albus and Scorpius were being that annoying couple, so they had to get out of there. Once the train starts to slow down is then they notice that they're in London and have to say goodbye for a while.

On the platform they say goodbye to each other and reluctantly go separate ways for the next few weeks. It was hard for them to be away because they help each other with nightmares and just keep an eye on the other. But they know to owl each other and keep the other up to date.

This school year put them to the test. They both came out stronger and braver than they thought they would being Slytherins. Fifth year is finally over and now they have to tackle just two more years.

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