A little more time with you

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Closing the door behind him quietly, Mon-El toed his shoes off and covered a yawn up with his palm. He glanced at the clock hung on the wall at his left, noticing he’d come home later than usual, and rubbed his eyes in a feeble attempt to get rid of his sleepiness. The house was quiet, as expected due to the late hour, and the lights were off. All except the one in the hallway, which led to the two bedrooms and casted the walls with a soft kind of brightness.

He crossed the living room, shedding clothes with every step and leaving a trail behind him. He knew Kara would get mad once she saw the mess the next morning and he did make a mental note to pick up after himself after his much-needed shower, but for the time being the only thing he could focus on was washing the smell of smoke off him. It’d been a busy day which had included a couple of fires he’d had to walk right through to rescue a dozen people who’d been trapped inside two different burning buildings. The jobs had been done and over with for hours but the smell still chased after him, clinging to his clothes and sticking to his skin, making even his own nose burn with the lingering reminder. Thus Mon-El rushed to the bathroom, quickly slipping in the shower and turning the hot water on. He didn’t even spare a couple of seconds to check on his sleeping girls beforehand like he always would.

Once clean and smelling like a normal person again, Mon-El simply walked to his and Kara’s shared bedroom with the intention of crawling under the covers beside his girlfriend and sleeping the remainder of the night away. His stomach growled in protest, and he knew Kara must have left some food waiting for him in the kitchen, but he was too tired to convince himself he needed to eat more than he needed to sleep. So he just found his spot behind Kara’s sleeping form, he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close to him, and he finally shut his eyes.

As much as Mon-El wanted to sleep however, his daughter had other plans it seemed. Just as he’d started to slip away, surrendering to the sweet unconsciousness tugging at his brain, his ears picked up fidgeting sounds. He tried to ignore them at first, tried to convince himself it wasn’t really his baby who’d woken up but his own mind playing tricks on him, but then came the unmistakable whining that signaled his daughter was in fact awake and Mon-El couldn’t dismiss it again.

He groaned in his pillow and pulled away from Kara, his eyelids refusing to open even though he was almost out of bed the next second. “You have really bad timing princess,” he murmured as he leaned over the crib on the other side of the room. The nursery had been set up and ready to be used but it was still too early for them to let the newborn sleep in her own room. For now, and for a few more months if Mon-El had it his way, the baby slept in the bedroom with him and Kara, where it was safest. Though, at the moment, he almost cursed at his luck that he hadn’t been asleep before his daughter had stirred awake.

Another whine echoed in the silent room and the father sighed, his lips lifting up in a soft smile despite himself. A pair of ocean eyes locked with his own, blinking but not straying from his face, and his daughter observed him quietly. She kicked her legs and frantically moved her arms, just like always, but Mon-El caved when her mouth twisted in a miserable frown and the tiny comets glazed over with barely held tears. “Alright, alright,” he soothed, picking the baby up, a hand supporting her head while the other slipped under her backside. “Come here,” he rested her small body on his chest and pressed a kiss atop her head as he held her close. “What is it now? Are you hungry or did you just miss me and wanted some night cuddles?” he asked in a soft voice.

He didn’t get an answer, nor was he expecting one of course, so he just shook his head fondly and walked out of the room. Deciding he wasn’t going to get his rest any time soon, he thought some playtime was due, at least until his little girl fell back asleep or grew hungry enough she’d need her mom more than she needed him.

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