Small Package

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*Sherlock's point of view*

Currently, there was no case and right now the flat was rather boring. Nothing to do. Nothing to do at all. I even got bored shooting at the wall! Why can't there be something for me to do?

"Hey Sherlock" I heard my blogger flatmate yell. I ran to him, gripping him by the shoulders."Tell me there is a case or something! I'm bored out of my mind!" I yelled.

"Well no," John said and I groaned, flopping on the couch. I kept my face in the pillow." But you do have some cleaning to do, so do that" John walked past me. I groaned."Very funny John"I stood up and head to the kitchen, looking in the cabinet."We are out of tea as well!" I groaned. John chuckled, coming in with his jacket still on." I told you we would need to go to the shops, come on, you can come with me."

"Go shopping or be bored. Eh, shopping wins" I went by the door and grabbed my jacket. Though as I wrapped my scarf around my neck I heard running, away from here. It was to fast and the footsteps were too heavy to be Ms. Hudson. "John someone ran by" As far as I knew no one was supposed to be running by. "Well open the door and see what it is," John said, now coming up beside me. Something felt weird.

"John look" I pointed at the floor, a shadow being cast under the lightly lifted door. Someone or something was on the other side. "Ready your gun" I whispered, readying my own and knowing John always carried his. I pulled the door open and aimed, John doing the same. The air stood still and the only thing that was heard now was a little laugh.

In an open packaged box was a child. On top of her a note. In Bold letters, it said, "It's yours Sherlock" That handwriting. I knew just who it was. " the kid really yours!?" John put his gun away and stared at the girl. I shrugged. " Hey, where are the return to sender stickers" I walked inside, putting my gun away.

"Sherlock You cant return this to the sender!" John scolded me and as I turned to scold back he was holding it. " You are the sender ya know," John said, giving me a glare. I rolled my eyes. "Fine. How much do you think we can trade it for?" I asked. "SHERLOCK! First off, "it" is a she, and Second, you can't go trying to sell your baby!"

" How do I know its even mine!" I rolled my eyes. " Look at her hair. Her high cheekbones. Just like you" John complained. I shook my head."Not without evidence"

The baby withered around and a folded document fell from its blanket. I snatched it up before John could. I stared at it. DNA test and Birth certificate. Just over a year and a half. I looked at John."Is it yours?" He asked with a cheeky grin. I rolled my eyes."Sadly" I said and grabbed it. It withered a bit before looking at me. John took the papers and looked at them. " (Y/n)" He said the child's name, to which she actually looked at him. "Hm we will have to keep it I guess," I said, wondering how I could work with it.

"If it makes you feel better to think of it as an experiment.18 years of data and with plenty of results" John joked but it, of course, made sense."Alright. I'll call you Specimen A" I said to the girl, making her laugh. "SHERLOCK! I was joking!" John glared.

I shrugged." Well, either way, we have to deal with this little package. Now can we go shopping?"I asked boredly, Putting it down on the couch and walking towards the door. I heard a sigh and quick footsteps following me. " You can't leave her! She's a baby" John said and held the girl close. I looked at what she was wearing. A red pair of pants with a red tutu and a Pink shirt. Blah.Pink. "We have got to get her out of that," I said and walked faster. If it was gonna stay it would stay to my accord.

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