A Baby!?

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It hadn't even been 24 hours with the child. 6 in the morning come quickly for the two. (Y/n) screaming at the top of her lungs. Sherlock jumped up and ran to the baby. Sherlock had let her sleep in a basket in the living room." John!!! It's screaming!" He picked up the child.

" She, and yes I can quite easily hear that" John walked in, rubbing his eyes. He frowned softly. " she might be hungry. I can fix a bottle" The shorter man disappeared. Sherlock looked at the child in his arms, highly displeased at the moment. He didn't sleep much but it would've been nice. Good thing he doesn't sleep much.

The phone rang and Sherlock sat down the child, looking at the text." finally" he rushed to the door."John, we have a case!" He  got his shoes on and pulled on his coat, grabbing his scarf."Hurry up an-"He was overpowered by the screams of the crying child. John walked back over and picked up little (Y/n). She stared at the bottle than kicked it, whining again. "hey" John huffed and grabbed the bottle."What else could you possibly want?" The short man asked, ignoring the glares he was getting from his flatmate. " John come o-"' This is YOUR child. You cannot leave her alone so you better figure out why she's crying"

"John it's growing. Its probably having some growing pains. Just...give it an orange" Sherlock threw an orange at the doctor, who caught it in hand with the bottle."She is young. she wo-" John was interrupted by an excited squeal from (Y/n) as she grabbed the orange, in attempted to nom on it. Sherlock smirked at John." you were saying?"

John rolled his eyes." whatever" he put the bottle down and handed her to sherlock, taking the orange and peeling it for her before giving it to her. Sherlock held the child as they ran down the stairs, hailing a taxi. The child happily eating away at the orange, spitting seeds everywhere.

*(Y/n)'s point of view*

I looked around, giggling at all the pretty colors. I could feel the wind on my face. I could also see daddy and the other one. I nuzzled him. He didn't like hugs I guessed but maybe he will change eventually. We got in another one of the moving things. I held on tight to daddy, wanting inside his jacket. It was soft!!!

"John the child is putting its arms in my jacket" That was daddy's voice. 

"Well, I suggest you wrap her up. Shes probably cold." The other man's voice. 

After that, I kind ignored them and played with the buttons. They were smooth and small. I giggled and felt something wet go down my chin. A soft thing rubbed on my face and I had seen the other man smiling. He was shorter than daddy but he was nice. He tried to feed me, though he tried with the wrong thing, silly person. I giggled, kicking my feet. 

"Hey don't kick me," Daddy's voice said in a growl and I was moved between the two. He put me down. I whined. I wanted to be in daddy's lap. The two began to talk and I knew I wasn't going to get what I wanted. I huffed and laid down, sucking on my thumbs and closing my eyes. I could've sworn I felt the movement stop.

*Sherlocks' point of view*

The taxi driver stopped. John pulled out some money to pay and I looked at the child, seeing her asleep. I picked her up and unbuttoned my jacket, putting her against my chest. I wrapped the jacket around her and ran into Scotland yard. John followed and when he entered I could see him smirking." what?"I asked.

"You're holding her close. You're getting protective" 

I rolled my eyes."As if, I protected the child from the cold because I don't want to deal with the whining baby even more. If she were to get sick I would leave her with you or even Mrs.Hudson" I said and walked forward, not wanting to talk anymore. I left the child in my arms though. While I ran I could feel her whole aura calm. She seemed happy. I walked into the office area, looking around."So what is happening now?" I asked, annoyed. 

"Hey look its the freak," Donovan said, sipping on some coffee, which wasn't going to help."Tuck your shirt in or are you about to meet Anderson for another round?" I asked annoyed and slipped by, with John in the following.I got to the main person I was looking for, Lestrade."So whats going on?" I asked, looking at him. He looked at me. " Robbery and murder. the murder took the victims' vocal cords and heart." 

I tried to think but the child against my chest began to move. I sat down, putting her in my lap. I could feel the stares from Lestrade and the others at the door. "What?" I asked annoyed. "You have a child," Lestrade said in disbelief. "Yes, I do" I admitted and looked at her. The brown curly-haired girl looked at me and squealed, gripping onto my shirt as though it was trying to hug me. " I tried to trade it but john wouldn't let me," I said. 

"Its a baby!" Lestrade said. "A Baby!?" Molly yelled, dashing into the room. 

*Authors point of view*

Sherlock was lucky enough to have Molly play with little (Y/n) while he got the case details. He didn't understand why but he kept glancing over as though he was making sure she was okay. But he wasn't doing it for that right? The girl was fine. There is no reason to keep checking on her. Sherlock wasn't feeling something, was he?

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