Baby steps

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*Authors point of view*

Sherlock didn't sleep long, he never did. But as he tried to sit up he heard the smallest whine audible and remembered the child near him. He remembered the nights' events. She said his name, well attempted too. he didn't say anything to her. How long had he been in his mind palace at that point? Wasn't she also standing? Words and walking. Johns right, she's growing. 

*Sherlocks' point of view*

I carefully got up and laid her on her stomach, covering her up with the blanket that had been put on us, I'm guessing by John. I Head to the kitchen, already seeing the said male in the kitchen making tea and peeling and orange, probably for (Y/n)."Morning Sherlock, sleep well?" I could hear his inner smirk. "Yes, John I slept fine." I ignored it. 

"How well did you handle (Y/n) last night? You win the argument?"John asked, chuckling softly. I smirked a bit." actually, she said my name." John looked at him. "You're playing me arent you?""No. She said my name, well she gave an attempt." I shrugged and got our cups out."Shes still asleep so w-""Sherwock"(Y/n) called from the living room. John and I looked at each other, entering the living room and seeing her leaning against the couch."Hey (Y/n)" John smiled. 

The young girl smiled and made grabby hands, taking a wobbly step forward then another, and another, before taking off in a sprint to the two. She hugged Sherlocks' leg."Sherwock!"She smiled. I looked at her, feeling my lips curl up again."Yeah, kid. I'm here"

*John's point of view*

I looked between the two. They were slowly growing closer. It was quite simple to also notice Sherlocks' small smile. He was getting attached. Baby steps, but they will grow."Hey (Y/n) think you can say my name?" I Kneeled down to the little girl. "Jawn!"She fell onto me and hugged me. I smiled and hugged her."Yep!" She giggled and took the orange from my hand, beginning to eat the pieces." Your growing fast" I said and then picked her up, looking at Sherlock."You'll have to deal with something much bigger next. Potty training" I said. 

"Oh please. Potty training will be simple for her. She will get it in no time"Sherlock head to his desk. 

"How do you know? She is a child after all and it does take a while, some kids stay in diapers till they are three or even four." I retorted but in a kind gesture cause I was just stating facts. 

Sherlock turned and looked at me. "Because I didn't take that long. My father told me once and I understood" He said. " I even understood before my idiot brother."

"But she isn't you" I replied.

"But (Y/n) IS my daughter, John. I will not have my child wearing diapers her whole life she will be potty trained by the end of the week." He took her from me."Isn't that right?"

(Y/n) giggled and kicked her legs, eating her last orange piece. 

They would grow. slowly. It was baby steps for now. 

Growing Minds-Sherlock HolmesXChild!ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum