First Encounters

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*Authors point of view*

Sherlock wrapped (Y/n) up in her little jacket, zipping it up. The wind was blowing wildly that day and there was something in the air that said it was gonna be bad, but the consulting detective ignored it. He picked up the child, giving her an orange. John waited outside for the two, having his jacket tightly around him. Sherlock comes down the stairs holding the munchkin. "We made it finally, "He said, annoyed. 

(Y/n) giggled, nomming on her orange. "It's not so simple getting her ready is it?" John teased the detective, who huffed and looked away. "Shut up john. Let us get going". The two adults walked out, bringing the little girl along.  they were going to a crime scene of course and it was particularly cold that day. "Come on" John opened the cab door and Sherlock got in, holding the little girl. After john got in Sherlock immediately handed the little girl over and got on his phone, looking at something out of sight from the other two.

(Y/n) looked around, having finished her orange. they were moving now and the girl had barely noticed. She began to babble and smack John's arms, wanting to be sit down by Sherlock.

"Stop smacking him, "Sherlock said which caught the girls' attention. She liked her fathers' voice, or "Sherlocks". She didn't have a Dada, that's what Sherlock said. "Wan sit by Shewock!"The little girl yelled. She still needed attention and care, and it would get annoying quick.

"Child leave me alone, I am working, And for Christ's sake learn to speak"Sherlock rolled his eyes."Sherlock Shes young, leave her alone" John held the little girl.

(Y/n) after a week of staying with them had learned to ignore their arguing. She looked around the cab, noticing different things. It wasn't a clean cab, but it wasn't horribly dirty. She examined the place until they stopped moving. "Here," John handed (Y/n) to Sherlock and got his wallet out. Sherlock made an annoyed sound and put the little girl down on the floorboard as John paid the cabbie and both males got out.

John shut his door and looked at the male."Sherlock, you really have to get-Wheres (y/n)"

Sherlock looked at him."I set her down did you not grab her?"

John quickly turned but the cab was gone."Shit,(Y/n)'s gone!" 

"Oh good, Maybe she can pick up some milk, "Sherlock said.

"Sherlock your child is missing! She can barely walk!!!"John smacked him.

Sherlock looked at him and sighed."fine fine I'll call Lestrade" 

As the two men started a search for the missing child the Young Holmes was enjoying the new adventure.

*(Y/n)'s point of view* 

After john shut the door we started to move again. I giggled a bit, climbing up on the seat and looking through the back window. I could see Sherlock and John getting further away. "Bye Bye"I sat down and played with my thumbs. Sherlock usually made me count when I was alone, so I started counting. 

Upon meeting my 300s someone opened the door and a stranger was there."What the? Is this your kid?"He looked at the drivey man.

"What no! Kid Get out of here!!"The drivey man yelled at me. I squeaked and got out, watching as they sped off. I looked around, this new place all around me." where am I?"I looked around, waddling down the street. I couldn't stay put, I had to find Sherlock and John. I walked around the loud area, looking around for anyone familiar. Maybe I could find Ms.Lab lady or Mr.Not my Division. I continued to look around. I am hopeful, and I know I'll find my way home, I am a Holmes.

*Authors point of view*

The young Holmes walked around the streets, looking for anything that could lead her back home. She so far had no luck. (Y/n) Let out a small whimper, missing miss Hudson and Uncle John. She missed Sherlock the most. "Whewe awe you Shewlock" She whispered to herself and continued to walk. Though she was scared she couldn't stop. She had to move forward and she knew this. For only being two years old the Holmes Gene shined through, allowing her smarts and a good eye for spotting familiar or new things. New sights and new sounds, all of it like an alluring distraction but she had a track and she knew she had to return. 

"Young one are you lost?" A particular voice stood out, the owner of the voice kneeling behind the short girl. (Y/n) turned, looking at him. The male had brown hair that was slid back and had on a gray V neck, as well as a polaroid camera around his neck. A sightseer most likely. London was a place of beauty. Anyway, he could help her right? She had noticed the taller people had advantages.

"I am lost. I was in Drivey but When Shewlock got out I didn't get out in time" The girl spoke in a soft voice. She was like purity to the earth, but she was also the daughter of Sherlock Holmes so let us see how this goes. "Sherlock, you say? As in Sherlock Holmes?" The man looked at her, a look in his eyes telling her that he knew her caretaker on a personal level. "Yeah!" (Y/n), who could already begin to read at higher levels had read Sherlocks Thank you letter from someone connected to a case. "Can you help?" She asked him hopefully and he gave a smile, standing up. The male offered his hand down to the shorter girl, who gladly took it. "Gee Thank You mister" (Y/n) Smiled and walked with him. 

"Anything for a friend of Sherlock Holmes, He is famous you know?" The male looked down at the girl who was unfazed by the information. "Yeah, I know. He gets thank you letters all the time. We live at 221B Baker Street. I just don't know how to get there" The girls' bottom lip popped out in a pout making the tall man laugh." Well I'll help you kid"

After some walking and talking she had learned about London. He was a sightseer and turns out there truly was a lot to London. "There are so many places in the world and yet people wanna leave here. I see every place as having something special, so I find it hard to stay anywhere" The male said. With the talking, the time flew and she looked up."Hey, here it is!!"She smiled wide and ran up to the stairs."This is it!"

"Well, I guess this is the end of the line then? It was lovely to talk to you" The male went to walk but the girl quickly jumped down the stairs."Come in! I'll Make you some tea. It is the least I can do"The smart girl smiled at him and the male almost smirked in response."Tea sounds lovely" After getting in and using the spare key Sherlock had given her she walked into the flat the two sat down for tea. (Y/n) Put ice cubes in hers, not liking it hot. "Traveling and sightseeing sound like so much fun," The young girl told him and he smiled."It is. I get to see many things and meet many people, though I must say you are one of my favorites" He commented and made her smile. The Clock Rung noon and he put down his cup." I must be going now. Thank you, and hey, how about a picture before I leave? One for you and one for me?"

(Y/n) nod and smiled."Yes please!!" She stood on the arms of the couch and climbed on the mans' back. He took picture after picture, them making different faces in each one. After their little Photoshoot, he let her pick her favorite 3. "Will you sign mine? So I will never forget this?" (Y/n) asked. "Only if you sign mine" He winked and laughed. They both signed each others' and the male even left his phone number."If you ever get lost again call me and I'll come to the rescue" He winked causing the child to giggle."Okay!"

The male left and the little girl folded 2 of the pictures and put them in her pocket, holding the other one as she fell asleep. Hours later Sherlock and John returned and John was the one to notice the child was back. "Thank the heavens she made it back!"He ran over."She's asleep" He sighed.

Sherlock went over and examined her."What is she holding?"

John gently took the picture from her grip and looked at it." Oh no..."

Sherlock didn't need to look at the picture as the name on the back said enough. 

'James Moriarty'

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