So needy

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*Authors point of view*

The two walked out of the apartments, Sherlock hailing a cab and jumping in. Meanwhile, John was much more careful, as to not disturb (Y/n)s good mood. "Sherlock you're the father. Hold her" John didn't really give the detective time to rebuttal as he sat the child in his lap, who looked up at him and smiled. "tsk" Sherlock let out an annoyed sound and began to look on his phone, not even securely wrapping his arm around her. The little girl didn't seem to mind though. She stared around the cab, giggling.

" That sound is dreadful" Sherlock commented. "little girl you need to stop" He picked up the brown curly-haired girl, making eye contact. She smiled and grabbed his nose, beginning to slobber."Ew. John it's creating a mess" Sherlock looked towards his friend for help, who rolled his eyes."wipe her mouth" 

Sherlock looked at the cab driver."You got napkins?" Much to the detectives' demise he didn't."John its not stopping. This thing is leaking too much" He put the child back in the bloggers' lap. John wiped her mouth with the end of his jacket and held the child close." We need to get her a few things now, and don't think I'll be raising this child. It's your Sherlock"John commented again but the detective wasn't listening. John sighed and looked at the little girl who was staring at the cab driver. 

It took a short while until they got the shops they needed. The edge of London had its perks. John got out after paying and looking around, looking at the possible stores. Sherlock looked up and his face almost scrunched in disgust. "Does it need all these things?"

"Not all of them, but she needs a bed, a dresser, diapers, the basics." John said, cracking a small laugh at imagining his taller friend changing a diaper or trying to give the little girl a bath." Also remember, while we are in here you can not call her an "it" her name is (Y/n)" John said. He snatched Sherlock's phone and handed him the baby."Now stop being like this. The baby is yours and we can't help that" He said. "We could always leave it at someone else's doorstep" Sherlock stated, now holding the child by the back of the shirt and leaving it hanging by his side, like a bag. "Christ! No! and that's not how you hold a baby!" John grabbed Little (Y/n) and pushed her against Sherlock's chest, making the taller wrap one arm around her and one under her."Now hold her. I don't mind helping you shop, but this is your kid"

"This thing is so needy," Sherlock said as they walked in the store. So many bright colors. It hurt the poor detectives' eyes, but the curly-haired girl was smiling. (Y/n) looked at plenty of things as they all caught her attention. " Okay so first a bed" "No Pink"Sherlock told john. John looked at him. "Its a girl," He said, dumbfounded."I said no pink"Sherlock even hated the word. (Y/n) gasped and babbled at the sight of an (F/C) crib with (F/A)(favorite animal) hanging from it. Sherlock and John both looked at it. "It's not Pink," John said."Then let's get it" Sherlock said and walked over to it, examining it. It was clean and good. Sturdy. 

John went off to find a worker while Sherlock carried the baby around. Luckily for him (y/n) seemed to be observant and easily point out what she wanted. 

* Sherlock's point of view*

She seems to be pretty observant. She points out things and she doesn't make ridiculous sounds constantly. 'This might not be bad. It can be like an experiment' I thought to myself, holding the girl. She started crying though. I groaned."What's wrong?" I asked, holding her up. Her chubby face turning red and she continued to cry. What was I supposed to do?

"John!"I turned but the male usually by my side was gone. I looked at the child in my arms, who was just crying. "What is wrong with you?" I asked, turning it upside down and looking all around it before holding it by its shirt again. I walked around, looking for John. It didn't take long either. "Sherlock!" John scooped the girl from me."What's wrong with you? why is she crying?" He asked."No clue" I said. John inspected the girl."She needs to be changed Sherlock" He sighed. 

"I would be crying as well if I were in that outfit," I said, rolling my eyes."No! I mean her diaper" He handed her to me."Change her" 

*Authors point of view*

Sherlock looked at the whining child in his arms. He didn't know what to do. John brought him a book. "How to change a diaper" John read the title aloud and gave him a diaper and wipes with it. Sherlock rolled his eyes, taking the items and going to the bathroom to change the girl. She continued to cry, whiny. 

Sherlock entered the bathroom and set her on a changing table. He read the book, not really intrigued within the first sentence."Let's do this my way"Sherlock picked up the baby and took her diaper off her, throwing the dirty one away and sitting her in the sink, letting some water run. He watched as she squealed and giggled. After a minute or two, he picked her up and wrapped her in paper towels than carried her back to the changing table and put the diaper on her. "That wasn't too hard"He looked at the baby girl, who was trying to gnaw on her hand. 'At least she isn't crying' Is all Sherlock can think. He picked her up along with the wipes and book, walking out to his flatmate."Done" He said boredly." It wasn't too hard was it?" John asked, smirking a bit. "Not at all. But these things are needy" Sherlock commented. "She" John corrected."She. She is needy" Sherlock said and the two looked at the young (Y/n), who giggled at them.

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