21 2 3

(These parts won't be very long because they correspond with only three pages of comic at a time.  This first part is the longest because it has exposition and backstory.  Remember to check out the comic on my Instagram page @ lonelion_924) 


Knock knock knock

"Jesus Christ." groaned Detective Gavin Reed. He buried his face into his pillow hoping that if he ignored them, the person at his apartment door would go away. His movement had awaken an orange tabby that had previously been laying across Reed's leg. It hopped down to the floor and left the room. Another series of persistent knocks was enough to pull the burly detective out of bed and to the front door. He pulled the door open, knowing exactly what was going to be waiting for him on the other side. The last face he wanted to see at 5:00 in the morning was that of RK900, the android sent by Cyberlife. Nines, the name the stoic android had taken on, had come with news of a new crime scene. "Good morning, Detective Reed." His voice broke the fragile silence of dawn. Gavin Reed frowned. The mornings when Nines' face was the first that Reed saw were always less than good. He stood back, making room for the walking toaster to come inside.

"What is it?"

"There's been a murder-"

"Well, y eaH, I figured as much."

Nines concealed the lifting of the corners of his mouth by looking down at the orange cat weaving around his legs. "Yes, but you did ask, Detective." Reed rolled his eyes. He ran a hand through the mop of tangled black hair on his head.

"Alright, well, I'm gonna need a minute to get ready." The android gave a small nod as the detective shuffled back to his room.

Gavin Reed left his room, leather jacket hooked around his elbow. He pulled the hem of a dark hoodie further down around his hips as he walked back to the android waiting in his living room. Nines had been looking around, analyzing the living space of his companion. His focus had lingered on a framed photograph of a lightly steaming plate of golden brown cornbread.

Reed had began pulling the leather jacket onto his arms when the android spoke. "Detective?" Nines turned slightly in Reed's direction but kept his eyes on the photograph.

"What is it, Nines?" he said as he pulled on the sleeve of the jacket.

A flickering yellow light gently glowed around the android's temple, signaling his confusion. "Why is there a framed picture of cornbread on your wall?" Reed sighed and faced the tall robot. He fiddled with the cuff of his sleeve before striding over to Nines. He rubbed his forehead with his palm.

"You don't eat, so," the detective began. He brought his hand down on Nines' shoulder and looked the android right in the eyes. "You will never understand." The LED on the side of Nines' head began to spin between yellow and red, giving away his nerves. "But that cornbread," Reed continued with deathly seriousness, "was the best god damn cornbread I've ever had in my entire life."

Instantly, the LED flickered to a solid red and the android's curious expression vanished. With all of the analyses that he ran on the detective, he would've never predicted that he be this dramatic over an article of food. Coffee, maybe, but not something as simple as cornbread. Reed continued on, lost in the memory of the delicious gluten snack.

"I loved it so much," he bent down and scooped up the orange tabby, "that I named Cornbread after it!" The cat flicked it's tail, it's yellow eyes meeting the striking blue of Nines'. There was a moment of silence between the android and the detective before Nines turned on his heel and headed for the door.

"Let's go, Detective."

"But-!" began Reed

Nines shook his head and opened the door. He looked back at the detective, who was still clutching a now squirming Cornbread. "We're already running behind." Gavin dropped the cat and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Shit, you're right." As much as it pained him to agree with this plastic prick, he knew they should get to the crime scene.  

The Cornbread Chronicles [Story Mode]Where stories live. Discover now