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"Anderson and Connor take care of deviant cases, Reed." a hint of frustration laced Chief Porter's voice.

"But this is my case, Chief."

"If Anderson and Connor can rule out android involvement, then its-"

"Why would a deviant, who was so desperate for freedom that it murdered a human, care enough to wipe security camera footage." Spat Reed. The Chief folded her arms. She thought for a second, the tension in the room rising.

"I don't know." She admitted. "But that doesn't mean it wasn't an android." She continued before Reed could speak.

"But it doesn't mean it wasn't either!" Retaliated the detective. "In homicide cases in the past, the only people who corrupt security footage has been just that. People." He was determined to keep this case. The Chief met eyes with Reed. She sighed and unfolded her arms. Reed felt a glimmer of hope.

"Fine." She agreed. Reed let out a relieved sigh and laced his hands behind his head. "But I'm assigning Kyle to the case as well," Gavin Reed put his arms down and opened his mouth, looking mad. Before he could interrupt, Chief Porter kept talking, "and you will work with her on this. Do you understand?"

"Yes." agreed the detective reluctantly.

"You can go. Make some progress on this case."

Reed turned to leave. Chief Porter spoke up again. "And Gavin," he turned. "If it turns out that this case is just a deviated android, you're off. Am I clear?"

"Yes ma'am."

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