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Even after Gavin Reed had gotten some food in his system, he was still extremely grumpy. He sat at his desk, Nines across from him. The android had brought him a coffee from the break room but the detective hadn't touched it. He was lost in thought about the case. Reed wondered why anyone would ever do such a horrible thing. Especially when it meant that he could never have any of that cornbread from heaven again.

Across the desk, Nines was sitting with his eyes closed. His LED had settled on a pulsing yellow. He'd managed to pull up the security camera footage on his computer and almost all of the footage from the previous night had been corrupted. He was now trying to bypass the corruption to access the lost footage. His expression darkened.

Nines opened his eyes and sat back in his chair, letting out an angry sigh. Reed turned his head and looked blankly at the android.


"I can't save the footage. It's too corrupted." grumbled Nines. He wasn't used to failing at file recovery. "Whoever did this knew what they were doing."

"Yeah, no shit." The harsh comment made Nines look at the detective. This case was really getting to him. "You know, sometimes I think that turning deviant really fucked with your software." This struck Nines. Reed hadn't showed this kind of hatred toward him since the first few weeks of their partnership. The LED on Nines' temple glowed red. He leaned forward toward his partner. This kind of behavior was ridiculous.

"Listen, I get that you're upset, but that doesn't mean you can-"

"Excuse me?" Both of them looked up at the new voice. Standing beside Reed's desk was a young woman. Reed had never seen her before. Her hands were tucked behind her back so that her posture resembled Nines'. Reed turned toward the newcomer, irritated.

"Sorry to interrupt," she threw a side glance at Nines then returned her attention to the detective. "but the Chief wanted me to see you about the High Tree Lonz case."

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