3. having fun

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The Autobots transformed at the edge of a cliff. Kym looked down and saw the sea. "Hey, swipes?" She asked with a smirk. The mech looked back at her "please hold your servo over the edge..." she said.

Sideswipe blinked in surprise but as she had asked. "Why's that, princess?" He asked with a smirk. "I told you it's not princes!" She said as she stood. "Don't keep me away from not calling you that" Sideswipe responded.

"What's the idea, lil'lady?" Jazz asked curiously. "Well I have done this before and it's quite fun..." she said proudly with a sparkle on her eyes. "A game..." Dino asked. "Sorta" she replied with a smirk. "So before I show what the plan is... who from you is scared of heights?" She asked.

Sideswipe snorted "Maybe that Italian afthead!" He scoffed. Dino sniffed insulted and crossed his arms "Maybe the silvery fragger who's holding you" he threw back. "Why do you ask?" Jazz questioned to stop the fight between the two mechs.

"Simple... I'm gonna jump" she said and jumped before Sideswipe could react. They all looked over the edge as she landed perfectly in the water. "She jumped!" Sideswipe squeaked worried. "Were sucks in keeping an eye on her already!" Jazz sighed. "Kym! Are you insane!" Sideswipe snapped. "No! I know what I'm doing! Now jump to!" She said. Sideswipe blinked and transformed just like the others.

Curious Kym looked up, Sideswipe had told her about holoforms and watched him stand at the edge. As she saw they all hesitated she climbed back up. "Scared!" She scoffed playfully. "Are you sure this is save?" Jazz asked unsurely. "If it wasn't I was dead," Kym noticed.

"That's not convincing..." Dino noticed without looking while he looked over the edge. "One way to find out!" Kym chirped and pushed him. He shrieks but soon enough gone. Sideswipe burst into laughter while looked over the edge. Jazz and bee jumped back as Kym run up to him and jumped upon his back.

Sideswipe let out a scream in shock as he lost his balance and felt forward. Not so elegantly he hit the water next to Dino. The spy laughed at him "look at you!" He scoffed. Sideswipe groaned still a bit confused and looked at the femme besides him. "Scared!" She scoffed. "No!" Both responded.

Kym chuckled and looked up "jazz! bee! Come!" She yelled. "Guess they need some help!" Sideswipe grinned as he climbed back up along with Dino behind him.

With an evil chuckle, she followed. Bee hit behind Jazz as he saw the two older mechs approach. "Come here bug!" Sideswipe grinned. "That's not fair!" Jazz said and crossed his arms. "Then you go first!" Sideswipe grinned and grabbed the mech. Jazz shrieked and tried to get away but it was already too late as both Dino and sides threw him over the edge.

Bumblebee looked shocked at them before he jumped out of free will. "Smart bee!" Kym laughed. Then the two mechs turned towards her "now we will throw you! You scared the living primus out of us when you jumped!" Sideswipe said as he grabbed her and hold her hands.

Dino smirked and grabbed her legs "Hey!" She said and tried to free her self. One three they let her go but Kym could grab Sideswipe's wrist just in time taking him with her. While Kym made a turn and landed agile in the water Sideswipe landed full on his stomach.

He hissed in pain as he came above the surface and looked at her. "Auch..." was all he said. Kym giggled "Sorry" she apologized. "Maybe You should try to make a turn! You know just as cats" she suggested. "Do I look like a cat?!" He asked dryly making her laugh.

"No! But you look agile" she grinned and climbed out of the water. She offered her hand and hoist Sideswipe out of the water. His whole chest was red and looked painful. "Yeah... I had that too the first time..." she admitted. "Good to know I am a rookie," he said sarcastically as he climbed next to her up.

Bumblebee stepped behind Jazz again, while sea water was dripping down his body. With big eyes, he looked at the mech who had a smirk. "Scared?!" He grinned as he did a step closer towards him. Jazz crossed his arms and gestured at his chest. "That's not looking fine," he said.

"My landing was... not as planned," he said with a shrug of his shoulders before he gazed at his bare chest. "Don't worry... you still have a six pack!" Kym teased making him roll his ocean blue eyes.

As the sun set and gave a beautiful orange and red light over the sea they returned when they were dry. Tiredly she leaned in Sideswipe's seat. "Tired?" He teased playfully. "You're very exhausting" she teased playfully back.

Sideswipe rolled his eyes and rolled into the base. Kym suddenly thought about Sunstreaker. "You can better go back to your twin," she said. Sideswipe frowned "I'm sure the fragger is fine," he said with a wave with his hands. "You were gone the whole afternoon... maybe he missed you or is bored," she said carefully. "Nah... I think he's training or drawing... he's an amazing artist" Sideswipe said, showing off about his twin.

Kym giggled "I didn't know that... do you draw?" She asked. Sideswipe shook his head "no I leave that to Sunstreaker..." he said with a sigh. "That's amazing" she though out loud. "My brother is amazing" Sideswipe grinned. "A fragger sometimes... but underneath all the metal he's sweet," Sideswipe said.

Kym though back about what the golden twin told her this afternoon "I'm sure of it" she replied with a fake smile, trying to hide the fear the mech gave her. "I'm sure he will be your friend as well" Sideswipe stated. "Please don't push him... I don't want to piss him off... he's not very positive about humans" Kym said slowly and unsure.

Sideswipe looked at her "I know you feel that way... but sunny and I have more in common then you think" he said. "Both are handsome" she teased with a smirk. "Of course we are!" Sideswipe chirped and snorted proudly.

"Why's sunny like that? If he really is like you just told me... then why is he so negative about humans?" She asked curiously. "Sunny has a big ego and is very arrogant... and coming to a strange planet... where everything is different and unknown hit him hard... besides the fact we lost each other in our final battle... so that plays a role as well" Sideswipe said.

"Most of us try to make the best of it... our home is destroyed... so this is practically our new home," he said. Kym sighed and grabbed his hand, Sideswipe looked surprised at her. "I'm sorry that all happened... I really mean that Sideswipe" she said. Sideswipe smiled weakly at her and melted in her eyes.

Sideswipe looked away "Thank you..." he whispers before both hopped out. "Let's bring you to your room" he stated.

Sunstreaker huffed and watched them leave with rage all over his face. Angry his brother let a human come between them. Sideswipe frowned as he felt rage and jealousy over the bond. "Your Okay?" Kym asked a bit worried. "Yeah... I'm fine" he replied unsurely. "Just my twin... he's angry... like ready to kill" he replied.

Kym felt a shiver run down her spine as she thought about Sunstreaker. It didn't matter what the silvery twin told her, she was scared of the mech. Scared he might kill her cause she was friends with his twin bro...

Chaos on Diego Garcia - terror twins fanfic-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora