12. Plane crash

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Kym opened her eyes and looked around, the sea slammed against her body. The pain returned in her body, she turned on her back and gazed at a large piece of metal sticking in her underarm.

She pulled it out, leaving an ugly flesh wound behind. With a groan, she covered it and stood up. Everything was burning and a terrible sensation flew through her body.

The hot sun was shining on her body and all she saw were rocks and sand. Slowly she walked away from the shore and saw the large vast sand plain with rocks.

Her eyes caught Sunstreaker who struggled to get a large piece of the plane off of him. He whimpered and laid still, she could hear his vents were heavy like he was fighting against the pain.

His normal so confident optics only were dull. His body went limp. She walked over to him "Sunstreaker?" She asked. The mech turned his head towards her "you really don't die huh," he groaned, his body cramp in pain. Sunstreaker clenched his jaws together and closed his optics.

She walked a circle around him, seeing a deep hole in his hip. "Oh god," She sulked. "Can you contact someone?" She asked. "No! My systems are damaged," he groaned. "Sideswipe!" She said. Sunstreaker groaned "he already knows... he felt my pain when this happened," he said with gritted teeth's.

"Go to the north! It's your best shot for help," he instructed her. Kym shook her head "I won't leave you! I refuse to leave you here!" She stated. Sunstreaker groaned as she circled up against his neck and leaned against a neck cable.

None of them said anything, but Sunstreaker felt she was weak, her heartbeat was slow and her breathing was fast. "You're to warm," he groaned. "I'm not leaving you!" She stated.

"Stubborn femme!" He hissed before he started to move again. Kym looked stared at him as he sat up straight and pushed with his last remaining strength a part of the plane away.

He hissed in pain and laid back down to control the pain. She felt and saw him tremble. "Come on Sunstreaker! Get up!" She encouraged him.

The glared at her but wasn't able to give a sharp reply. He stood up but fell instantly back onto the ground while almost screaming in pain. She had never seen him like this and tried to think of something she could do.

"Sunstreaker! Use your mass displacement!" She demanded. The mech groaned but did as she had asked::: "why!" He growled with gritted teeth's. "You said we need to go to the north! I'll get us there... trust me! I'll get us there!" She said. Sunstreaker frowned "how!" He snapped.

"I can't walk!" He snapped. "Yes! That's why I make a raft! I can't support you but we can go through the water..." she said. Sunstreaker blinked in surprise and laid still "Why would you waste your time with me! I tried to kill you!" He snapped.

"Cause I'm won't let you down! You're still Sideswipe's twin and I want to help you! You saved my life as well! You proved me you're not always like that," she stated.

Sunstreaker only looked at her and watched how she disappeared. The blonde grabbed some ropes she found on the shore and other things she could find. It took her a few hours to make a raft which could hold Sunstreaker and didn't sink.

Sunstreaker wasn't able to do anything and felt over the bond how his brother tried to comfort him. Kym sank down on her knees next to him "Okay Sunstreaker... let's see if I can get you on that raft," she muttered.

The mech looked at her, he saw her eyes were filled with pain and tiredness. "Just wait a minute..." he said. "The wound in your flank is probably open again!" He said.

"Sunstreaker... I need to get you on that raft," She sulked. Sunstreaker saw blood on her body and was amazed she tried to hide that.

Kym tried to support him where she could, he was leaning against her. His weight was hurting her joints and muscles but she forced herself to help him.

Sunstreaker groaned as he laid down on the raft and laid his helm down. Water splashed against his body but he didn't mind at the moment. "What about you!?" He groaned. "I'll swim," she said before pushing the raft forward.

"You're injured!" He snapped but noticed Kym didn't reply and pushed him forward.

It slowly became evening and Kym had to find a spot where she could take a break for the night. She pulled the raft onto the shore as far as she could. She wanted to help him but he pushed her away. "I'm not helpless!" He snapped before he got up.

Kym grabbed him quickly as he fell. He groaned and smashed his fist in the sand. "Calm down,,,," she said while stroking his cheek plate.

Sunstreaker looked at her "it won't help to get mad," she said. Sunstreaker sucked in a breath "I'll stay here for the night," he announced and laid his helm back down.

The blonde sighed and stood up, trying to find anything she could eat or drink but there was nothing. She finally returned to Sunstreaker and watched him recharge for a while, she couldn't get her eyes off of the yellow warrior. He risked his life twice for her and she felt guilty.

If she never arrived on Diego Garcia this all wouldn't have happened...

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