Chapter 3

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"Yeah? "asks Tony Stark and then asks May "Can I have 5 minutes with him?" asks Tony again to which May replies "Sure,"


Third Person's Point of View.

"Anyway I have to go work now, Peter there are leftovers in the microwave for dinner, I won't able to come for dinner," May said afterward

"Okay, Thanks," says Peter while leading Tony Stark to his and Percy's Bedroom. once Tony Stark entered the room He blots and spits the walnut date out and says "As walnut date loaves go, that wasn't bad" and then takes in the room. The room is divided into two parts without the actual partition and had two of everything in it(eg.two beds, two wardrobes ) then there is a window leading to the fire escape.

Tony noticed Peter's and Percy's collection of old computers which both them use the parts in that to build things. Tony turns asks Peter "Yours?" Peter nods and replies "It belongs to both to Me and Percy " Tony nods and turns around continues inspecting the room and asks " Anyway who is this Percy Kid I have been hearing about ?"

" I consider Percy as a brother, Aunt May took Percy in because Percy's mom was best friends with her before she died at the same time she took me also So we kinda grew up together."Anyway, Mr. Stark, I didn't apply to your grant" says Peter while rubbing his neck because Peter was a little bit nervous.

Tony says" Ah-ah! Me first."Peter nods and Tony continues " Quick question of the rhetorical variety. "while He pulls out his phone which projects a video of Peter Parker in his Spiderman outfit. and then "That's you, right?"

Peter tries to deny it "Um, No, What do you mean?" Peter continues to deny he is not Spiderman to Tony Stark that until Tony opens his wardrobe and outcomes Peter's spider suit

Tony Stark asks while looking at his suit"Oh, what have we here?"Peter tries to hide his spider suit" Uh... That's a..." Peter says shocked while trying to recover that someone found that He is Spiderman but overjoyed that it's Tony Stark who found out but also He is worried in a way.

Tony Stark asks while looking at Peter "So You're the... Spider... ling. Crime-fighting Spider... You're Spider-Boy" Peter folds his arms petulantly and says " S... Spider-Man."

Tony Stark stares at the suit and says " Not in that onesie, you're not." Peter frowns and says " It's not an onesie." while Tony picks up the suit" I don't believe this." but Tony interrupts and asks "Who knows? Anybody?"

Peter goes and replies " Nobody " simultaneously another reply comes "I do" Peter and Tony Stark turns around and sees Percy climbing from the fire escape through the window and into the room.

Percy jumps down from the window sill and drops his bookbag on his desk and then crosses his legs and sits on his bed "Hi, Mr. Stark" says Percy looking completely bored.

Peter was first to get his shock of seeing him and says "Percy How many times do I have to say don't use the fire escape to enter the house " was going to go one of his long lectures of using normal ways to his little brother when realized what Percy said and turn to Percy with shock on his face and asks "Wait, You knew " and goes to sit on Percy's bed.

Percy nods and says"Yes, I found a few weeks ago and Pete we share the same room I am bound to notice it somehow" to this Peter nods his head and says"Make sense."

Tony was observing their interaction quietly. Percy gives a small smile to Peter and then turns towards Tony and looks at him and says " Where Peter goes I go" wanting to protect Peter as much he could and it was Tony's turn to be shocked before he could answer Percy.

Percy continued " I have this.........." says and points to the glass to water where Percy moves his hands and water follows his hand movements and says " also I know martial arts" Both Peter and Tony look shocked at the show of Percy's Powers.

Peter says " You have powers, Since When" Percy replies" I found I have them when I was 9 yrs I don't know how they came".

" Okay, You can come too," Tony says thinking that I will good to have extra help. Percy says to Tony" But I will need a suit and mask "Tony replies" I will get you one and by Boys, We are going to Germany " while looking at them. Percy and Peter look at each other and shrug.


Phew, that's a long chapter. Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. Pls, forgive me if there any type of mistakes there. I might take some time to write the other chapter but I am not sure, I will try to update as I can

~ 💜 Abby 💜 ~

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