Chapter 11

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I was snapped out of my thoughts when I accidentally bumped into a person on the sidewalk, I muttered a short apology towards the person and resumed walking towards the graveyard.


Percy's Point of View.

After arriving at the entrance to the graveyard, I stopped at the gates and muttered "Δώσε μου την είσοδο στο pɒlɪs του ἥρως(Grant me the entrance to Polis tou Heron)" and then watched as the mist swirled around me at the same time gates of the cemetery were glowing gold.

Polis tou Heron which translates to City of Heroes in Greek is a burial ground for the half-bloods who perished in battles. All of the demigods who died in the Second Titan War and Second Giant War are buried here. This cemetery can be accessed from any cemetery in the world by saying a chant which creates an entrance to the cemetery.

I stepped forward pushed the gate open then entered the cemetery, Once I went inside the cemetery gates closed behind me. Hence I began strolling through the graves and headed to a group of graves that we're together, and had these names on the graves in order, Leo Valdez, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, Piper McLean, Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase.

I walked up to them " Hey, How are you doing there, I hope you are happy there. I missed you all, a lot of things are happening here. Can you comprehend that I have joined the Avengers along with Peter, Mr.Stark simply preferred Peter but I was a tag-along. I am afraid of creating bonds with this new team because I am afraid I might lose them also because everyone around me gets hurt" I said while tears threatening were to slip down my face, was going to proceed speaking when I sensed a presence near me. I instantly uncapped Riptide drew it near and spun around and pointed it at the being. This all transpired in a few seconds and it took another second to recognize who it was.

Hades, "What are you doing here, Uncle?" I asked after capping Riptide back to its pen aspect while looking at him, who didn't even flinch when there was a sword pointed at him

"Nephew, I am here because there some people who wish to speak to you, I am merely repaying the favor for when you helped me acquire a throne on Olympus," Hades said while glancing at me then waved his hand then disappeared in a flash of light, which I averted my eyes from.

I was flabbergasted for a second staring at the spot Hades was standing until I heard " Perce" I turned so quickly that I almost got whiplash because standing there was the rest of Seven who are deceased.

They looked different from the previous moment I saw them, they had no blood on themselves and they had a slight eternal glow to their physiques. After glancing at them for a second then I realized what Hades had implied.

"He..y G..u..ys" words tumbled out of my mouth while stuttering a little bit. I was still stunned as they stood before me.

"We asked Lord Hades, whether we can visit you one last time, to give you closure and Lord Hades agreed," said Annabeth while a knowing look in her eyes.

" How are you doing, cuz," asked Jason, "I am doing good, Jace" I replied lying because I didn't want to worry them but they saw right through the lie. Jason frowned a little and said, "Perce, Please don't lie to me".

" Percy, We realize that you condemn yourself for not being able to save us but it wasn't your fault" explained Annabeth while the rest of them agreed with her.

"I feel like, I have failed you guys" I muttered towards them." "You haven't failed us, I wasn't your fault that we died, we are happy with what we have achieved in our life...," said Frank with a small smile on his face. " We don't want you to spend the rest of your life mourning over us" continued Jason.

"I heard you met Tony Stark, Awesome!" said Leo while bouncing in his spot." Leo" chorused all of them. " What" Leo defended

I shook my head with I a smile on my face at Leo's antics as I watched Annabeth reprimanding Leo for going off track.

"So...Percy, What do you say" said Hazel bringing the conversation back to the subject.

I gave a small sigh and said " I will make an effort but honestly it will take some time for me to get over your deaths. "

" That's all, we want," said Piper.

" We have to leave now, Goodbye Percy," said Annabeth, and the rest of them chorused " Goodbye".

"Bye," I said while tearing up and watched them fade away.

I stared at the spot for a few seconds and then turned and started walking away. I spent some more time in the graveyard visiting some other graves, which were
Luke Castellan, Luke was the first individual to support me besides my mortal family, furthermore, he had no issue with me being the Son of Poseidon.

Luke was an older brother figure to me, he trained, comforted me when I nightmares, He didn't treat me any different after I was claimed and that is why when he sided with Kronos, his betrayal stung me painfully but in the end, he died a hero.

Bianca di Angelo, Ethan Nakamura, Lee Fletcher, Michael Yew, Silena Beauregard, Charles Beckendorf, and few other graves.

After I had finished visiting the graves, I walked out of the gates of the cemetery and headed towards the Tower.



I hope you liked this chapter, even though I felt like it wasn't good. Thank you for waiting patiently for me to update, Thanks again for voting, reading, and commenting on this story also for encouraging me to write 💕.

Pls, forgive me if there are any types of mistakes in the chapter.

I am not sure when I will be able to update again, Hopefully Soon.

I hope all of you are healthy and safe 🙂.

~ 💜 Abby 💜 ~

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2020 ⏰

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