Chapter 5

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Percy's Point of View.

I watched both teams from the roof and signed^They are going to get back together anyway both team's logic had faults^I started thinking of My friends who died and was lost to sounds of battle until he hears Tony say"Okay, anybody on our side hiding any shocking and fantastic abilities they'd like to disclose, I'm open to suggestion."

I snap out of my thoughts and see and Man-Ant(Author Notes: Percy's Nickname for Scot)in the size of a giant and see Bird-Man diving towards Tony and firing a device which cracks Tony's helmet and then Man-Ant blocks the Black Cat says " You wanna get to them... you gotta go through me." I jump down near them both. Both of them turn to me and when Man-Ant sees me he groans"Not you Kid".

I just stared at him and raised my hand and started controlling the air around him and turning it into ice. Ant-Man shifts into his human size trying to get out of the ice coating around him but it doesn't work.

I see in the corner of my eyes Black Cat had sneaked offed and just dodged the arrows from Robin-Hood and he the arrows with ice just in case. 

 "We haven't met yet, Kid, "Robin-Hood says and he flattens his bow and spins it around like a barton "I'm Clint." 

I just shrugged and attacked him when Clint attacks me I jump back doing a backflip then counters with a high kick which sends Clint unconscious. I turn around to see Magic-Girl down by the Robot and Iron Suit.

I spot the jet flying out of the hanger and Iron Suit follows the jet. I spot Peter in heap looking dazed I rushed to him just Tony landed near us

Retracting the helmet Tony looks concerned at Peter asks "Kid, you alright?"

" Oh. Hey, man," says Peter." Yeah." replies Tony. I walk away to give them some privacy I had a feeling Tony was concerned for Peter like a father. Besides a Tony wanted to recruit Peter, not me I am just a tag along.

I go to the roof and sit by a pole. hear them arguing about Peter to go home. Tony wins the argument by saying "You're going home or I'll call Aunt May! You're done!"

I hear Iron Suit in comms saying" Vision, I got a bandit on my six. Vision! Do you copy? Target his thrusters, turn him into a glider." 

Robot takes aim and fires his head laser at the Brid-Man who is apparently Falcon but Falcon spots it coming tucks into a tumble and hits Iron Suit which slices through of his suit and he loses power and goes into a spinning free fall.

I hear Tony shouting Iron Suit name's and diving to catch with Falcon but I could sense both of them won't be able to catch him.

I take a water tendril and loop it around the poles that I was leaning and gained huge momentum and threw myself in the direction the Iron Suit was in. I fly in the air and then knocked against the Rhodey and both were heading towards the ground fast I turned so I was one would get the most impact them made a bubble shield around us.

When I hit the ground I bit back a groan. I could feel some of my bones and bruises in my back but I ignored them and rolled Rhodey off me and stood up and looked at him. .He looked fine another than being dazed from the impact.

Tony lands near and rushes to us his helmet retracting. He goes to Rhodey checks whether he is okay and turns to me and was about to check me but I raise my hand and said "I am fine" while trying to keep the pain in. I don't want Tony to find about my scars.

Falcon lands next looking panicked until he sees Rhodey and sees me standing next to him. He looks at me but I stare at him and shoot a water tendril and covers his wings also. Robot who is called Vision arrives gliding in front of Falcon

Tony gets Rhodey up and turns to me and says "Thanks, Tide" while giving me a sincere smile. I just nodded and smiled back at him. I went back to Peter who was waiting for me.


Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. Pls forgive me if there any type of mistake in the chapter 👩🙂

~ 💜 Abby 💜 ~

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