Chapter 1

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"Hermione, please! This work will take us hours to do, but it will only take YOU 20 minutes!" Ron pleaded, with Harry at his side. "Please Mione?" Harry begged. "That's it!" Hermione had had enough. She agreed to help them with their work ONE TIME, and then all of a sudden they are basically begging her to do ALL of their work everyday? She was busy too! She worked extra hard to achieve her good grades. "I'm sick and tired of doing your work all the time! You both are completely capable of handling it yourselves! Just because I get good grades, doesn't mean I don't have to work less hard than you! So, NO! I will not do your work! You bloody idiots!" Hermione yelled, causing the entire Gryffindor house to look at her. But something peculiar happened. As Hermione exploded with rage, all the water fountains in the common room decided to explode too. Everybody screamed, as the room began to flood. Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, turned to Annabeth from their hiding place in the common room. "Yep. We found her."

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