Chapter 3

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Hermione stormed out of the common room, not having to worry about getting in trouble because she was a prefect. She figured she should call Mcgonagall for help since the Gryffindor common room was currently flooding, but part of her was so angry, for a split second she felt as if her two best friends deserved to handle it on their own. She immediately dismissed that thought, and soon rushed to Mcgonagall's office and explained. Mcgonagall rushed out of her office, and ran to the common room. Hermione was following, but was stopped in her tracks. "Hey!" A male voice whispered, one she did not recognize. She spun around, and tried to find out what made the noise. "Hello?" She asked, with her eyebrows furrowed. Someone behind her tapped her shoulder, which caused her to elbow them in the face without thinking about it. "Ow!" The male voice groaned, as Hermione spun around to meet them. In front of her, stood a boy with dark brown hair, and dazzling sea green eyes. Next to him was a tough looking girl, with blonde hair and soft grey eyes. The girl was smiling at Hermione. "Well, that would be her battle reflexes." She said, as the boy nodded, pain still written on his face. "I'm Annabeth. And this is Percy. We were sent here on a mission to find you, but you may want to follow us so we can explain. It may take a while."

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