Chapter 10

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(I have been writing this in the third person for a while, so I decided to try something new.)

We spent hours trying to find the perfect sword for me. They all felt too heavy in my hands. Blimey! It was way easier finding the perfect wand back in England. I felt the pocket of my jeans, and was relieved to find that my precious wand was still there. "Hermione!" Percy exclaimed, and I snapped awake from my trance. "Yes?" I replied. "Try this one." I held the sword, and was surprised to find it felt decent. Not great, but It would do. "It's actually not bad." I admitted. Everyone sighed in relief. "Finally. Now we can actually do some sword fighting!" Annabeth exclaimed. She taught me a few simple moves, which I soon got the hang of. "You ready to fight me, sis?" Percy teased, while I rolled my eyes. "Bring it on!" Percy took his first opportunity, and lunged. I easily blocked it. He tried again, and managed to leave a small cut on my arm. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Sorry, you were too slow." He shrugged. This time, I lunged at him, and he blocked it with ease. I kept trying, but Percy was much better than me. "I can't do this! I am rubbish." I exclaimed, dropping my sword. "It's alright, you'll get better with more practice." Percy reassured me. I smiled, but then a great idea came into my head. I slowly slipped my wand out of my pocket. "Expelliarmus!" I exclaimed, and Percy's sword came flying out of his hands. I caught it with ease, and then smiled victoriously at him. Annabeth and Grover looked shocked. "That was so cool!" Annabeth admitted. "Hey! That wasn't fair!" Percy complained. "Do more spells!" Annabeth exclaimed. "No!" Percy shouted. "Yes!" Annabeth argued. I rolled my eyes as they fought before tossing Percy his sword. Suddenly I heard screaming coming from near by. Apparently my friends heard it too, because we all exchanged a confused glance. We then followed a crowd to the front of the camp. "I think we've got some barrier action!" A muscular girl shouted. Sure enough, something was continually ramming into the camps barrier. Everyone stared at it with bewilderment. A few seconds later, some sort of mechanical bull came charging in. But the barrier didn't shatter. The bull freely charged in. I felt my eyes widen. "What is that?" I exclaimed. "Colchis Bulls. Curtsy of Hephaestus." Annabeth replied, as everyone ran to grab weapons. Percy uncapped his sword, named Riptide. The bull was creating tons of destruction, while tons of people tried to stop it. I took out my wand, and pointed it at the bull. But every Time I tried to cast a spell at it, I missed since it was moving so fast. "Percy, you need to get it to stay still for just a few seconds! I could cast a spell at it!" I exclaimed, and he nodded before charging at it. He grabbed a red flag from a nearby pole, and started waving it. "Hey, bull!" He shouted. The bull whipped around, focusing on Percy. "NOW HERMIONE!" He yelled. "Petrificus Totalus!" I exclaimed. The spell just hit the bull on time, and soon enough, it was frozen in place. Everyone cheered. Annabeth gave me a thumbs up, and I sighed in relief.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2014 ⏰

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