Chapter 6

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A/N- Tea from last chapter;) 

  "Oh Hell no Im fucking a bitch up today" I knew I couldn't tell Madison about Harry having a girlfriend until I told her about Daniel. "Its okay i'm okay don't worry... Harry kind of handled it" I said with hesitation. I knew she would take it out of proportion like I might as well have sucked his dick as a thank you for that. 

I was sitting on my bed with my back to the headboard with Madison on speaker hearing her responses as I closed my eyes. Its been a Hell of a day. "Okay um wait did you just say Harry as in THE Harry Styles like the one your going to actually let yourself fall for?" Tears started in my eyes as his green eyes flashed back into my mind from his disappointed look he gave me from when I spoke up. "Um yea except I had a moment and went off on him when he wanted to take care of me after school." I stopped for a second to control myself. "He has a girlfriend."

  Madison didn't say anything and I thought the connection went dead until she finally spoke up. "Fuck I had no idea, I am so sorry Babes." I knew it wasn't her fault I know she just wanted me to be treated right. "No I really am fine I came to the conclusion that even if he didn't have a girlfriend he was probably just going to fuck me up just as much as Daniel did." I knew I was lying to myself but it is the only way I could think since Daniel. "Bitch shut up okay? you deserve so much more then either of them, you need to stop telling yourself bullshit like that." I was kind of taken back by her words because I didnt think my lie was that obvious. " listen, Its fine okay?" I tried to reassure her that I was okay.  

 After another couple minutes on the phone I told her I had to go. I didn't have to go but I wanted to forget about the whole day. From Daniel to Harry it seemed like it was never ending. I got up to take off my makeup and looked over at my leopard gecko trying to get out of her cage from across the room. "Cookie chill holy shit." I went over and carefully grabbed her from the inside so she wouldn't make a nasty croaking noise if I did it to fast, which she did often. 

 "Well fuck today is all I have to say little girl." She crawled on my shoulder and stayed still for some times while I ranted to her about my day. My phone buzzed and I put Cookie back next to my bedside before checking. Iv lost that hoe before I didn't want it to happen again. 

 Instagram: Harry_S has requested to follow you.

"What the hell" I stared at my phone. I was too afraid to open the request, let alone my phone. "How the fuck did he even find me." I was only talking to myself but oh how I wish someone was there to see this crazy shit. The boy with the tattoos didn't even know my name and now here I am at the edge of my bed, looking at a request from him. 

Come on just accept it and move on, he can see how hot you look in your photos. Yea right, who am I kidding this boy only wants to DM me to get nudes, or worse try to blackmail me. What the fuck how would he blackmail you he probably didn't even find out your name until ten minutes ago. The Devil and Angel were back. My mind going back and forth on this stupid British boy. 

 My clouded mind was put to a stop when a knock on my bedroom door made me jolt up. I had nothing to hide. My mom just scared me sometimes. "Hailey I need to talk to you." Oh god that's never good. "Come in mama." Yes I may be 17 but shes always going to be my mama. "Me and your dad are spending spring break in Las Vegas." I smiled and said okay but in my head me and her both knew I was ecstatic about it. 

"I know your 17 but please do not trash my House or I will have to personally kill you with both hands." I wasn't going to trash the house everyone knew that. But I was going to take advantage of being alone for two weeks. No school, No Daniel, and a break from seeing curly everyday. 

What more could I ask for right now. Well besides a fucking nap, and to make a decision to follow Harry back.

A/N- AHHH okay so I hope these arent going too slow for you guys like I said Im going to be having a few fill chapters and this is just one of them. 

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