Chapter 8

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He continued to look down at me but suddenly his eyes became wide at my question. "Are you sure? You aren't mad at me love?" Of course I wasn't mad at him, how in the hell was anyone to ever be mad at this gorgeous boy.

"No I am most certainly not mad at you." I smiled and detached myself from him. I looked down at the ground missing my arms being wrapped around him. I made my way out of the kitchen praying he would follow me. As I started up the steps I looked back just to make sure. "Quick question, where are we headed to?" I just sort of figured he would already know that answer but it was okay. "My room if you're okay with that, I have a TV and a couch in there so we can just chill."

I didn't want to do anything with him, I simply just didn't want to be alone. As we made our way to the top of the stairs I turn into the room on my right and switch the light on. "So, are you the only child around here?" I nod and keep my stare on him. I always did that on accident, but he was so beautiful. What was a girl to do?

"You always stare you know that?" I couldn't deny that I do, so with a quick smile and a nod, I grabbed the remote from my dresser and sat next to him on the bed. "So what do you wanna watch? what do you usually watch I should ask" I turned to him and waited for his response. "Well love, I do enjoy crime shows a lot but a good rom-com is where it's usually at." 

I stared at him in disbelief, I can not believe I have this already beautiful human in my room but he's openly admitting he loves rom coms. "No way you actually like those types of movies" personally I could never watch them, the only one I can actually stand is 50 first dates, and that's only cause Adam Sandler was in it. 

"Of course I do are you crazy, some of the best movies out there are rom coms!" something about seeing his eyes light up with joy while talking about rom coms made my heart skip a beat. "Okay okay prove it then! pick a movie that's going to make me want to fall in love again." after saying that I got nervous but by the look on his face I could tell he had a million movies running through his mind. " Without hesitation, he snatched the remote from my hands and was already picking a movie. 

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