Chapter 7

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It was only the second day of Spring break and I was getting bored fast. Madison went to california with her family so I was all alone. Last Spring break me and Daniel went to California to but he ended up leaving me at the hotel alone for two days.

"You gave me attitude in front of everyone what the fuck Hailey?"

Before I knew it he was slamming my face into the beige plain walls of the hotel. His hands were around the back of my neck while he growled into my ear from behind me.

"Im leaving your ass here. You need to learn your fucking lesson. Dont you ever embarrass me like that again."

That trip sucked. I couldnt fight against him because I knew he would come back at me. I just read while he was gone. The being alone part didnt suck, but remembering the feeling of my face against the wall while he had total control did.

I usually didnt mind him being in control, it was just that it wasnt in the way we we're both enjoying. not like that happened often with him anyways.

I snapped out of my thoughts from last Spring break to a knock on the door. I was home alone for two weeks why the Hell is someone at my door.

I waited to see if it would just go away but the next knock is louder. I was standing at my door peeking my head out to see if there was any movement by the front door I had a clear shot of.

I walked slowly down the stairs so the person standing behind the wood door wouldnt hear me. When I reached the door, there was another knock and I jumped. What the fuck who is this person.

I stopped stalling and looked into the peep hole to show me who was knocking. My jaw dropped, the tattooed curly haired boy was in front of my Fucking door!

I was speechless when I opened the door. I just stared at his beautiful green eyes forgetting for a second about Friday.

"Well are you going to let me in or are you going to keep letting the flys go into your mouth." I hadnt even realized my mouth was open. I quickly moved aside so he could walk in.

He smoothly walked in and walked over to the kitchen island gliding past me to get there. He was so fucking majestic I just wanted him to turn around so I could look into his eyes.

"Why are you here?" I finally spoke up. He turned around and looked at me. I didn't question how he knew where I lived or how he found my instagram let alone know my name.

"Well um.." He suddenly looked nervous and I was so confused. "Look Hailey, you havent left my mind since Friday. I shouldnt have left you like that." his accent was low but his eyes said it all, as they usually do.

I was shocked, why was he apologizing after I went off for him and he has a girlfriend. "How did you find my house? and how the fuck do you know my name?" Thats all I could say, the curiosity was burning through my eyes.

He started walking towards me, and my heart started racing. He has a girlfriend Hailey stop. Maybe just one kiss wont hurt. Stop it you arent a home wrecker.

"Hailey I have my ways of getting what I want, but you need to understand that I dont plan on hurting you like he did."

He was standing so close to me. So close I could easily wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him long and hard. I didnt even realize it but my back was against the wall right by the front door. He kept walking closer and I had no more backing up to do.

"What?, I know you wouldnt hurt me I just get like that sometimes after Daniel hurts me all over again." I looked at him with big eyes, waiting for him to do something.

"I know Hailey, I was just giving you time to realize that." his arm was now above my head against the wall and he was inches away from me. "Harry... your.. you have a girlfriend." I stuttered to get the words past my lips while I stared deep into the boys eyes.

"Emmy treats me like shit Hailey." His confidence seemed to go down within the second and he backed off the wall to go back to the island in the kitchen. He looked down at the ground like he was thinking. So Emmy was her name? I wondered what she did to treat this beautiful man so horribly.

"Harry what do you mean? Why dont you just leave her then?" I started to walk towards the kitchen as well.

He looked at me, he looked so sad. I just wanted to take all of that pain away for him. I would always get so drawn into this boy, I barely knew the fucking kid. "Hailey, Its not that simple, she um.. shes abusive."

"Harry" is all I could let leave my lips. Without thinking I walked to him and wrapped my arms around his torso and embraced myself into his chest.

The pain I experienced from Daniel was something I would never wish for anyone. Especially the tattooed boy I was now embraced with.

He hesitantly wrapped his arms around me and looked down at me while I stared into his eyes. "Hailey its okay I promise." It wasnt okay and me and him both knew that. "No Harry, I know the pain and its not okay." I made the quick decision in the middle of my kitchen to ask him something very risky.

"Can you stay here a while and keep me company?"

A/N- soo this chapter was extra long but now you all know Harry is in an abusive relationship with Emmy. Should they just stay friends despite Haileys feelings? ENJOYYY!!!!

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