Chapter 3

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(Btw I'm sorry for not updating for a While... I lost my charger and so yea... Sorry)

                       -In class-

You walk to your seat next to kirishima and Katsuki. You lay your head on your arms on your desk (if that makes sense). Katsuki glanced at you and kirishima looked at him. Katsuki growled at him but he just ignored him. Kirishima looked at you and softly hugs you. " (F/n) what's up? you seem sad." kirishima asked. "O-oh its nothing sharky. " you giggled at the nickname you gave him. He looks at you like 'what did you call me?' so you started laughing. He couldn't help but laugh a little as well. Kachan on the other hand,was not very pleased*

-the last bell rings-

You get up a out of your seat. You walk to the door but then you feel a hand on your shoulder. You stop and turn to see.... Todoroki? "Oh hey shoto! What's wrong?" you ask. He stays quiet but then spoke. "(F/n) would you like to come to the park with me..?" "Of course! I would love to!" You smile a nice smile witch makes him blush a little bit. So you walk with him out of these school yard and to the nearest park. Shoto was being really nice to you on the way there.

As you walk around the park you see a ice cream truck and gasp. you run to the truck. Shoto was watching you and seemed surprised. "Can we get some Shoto!?" you ask excitedly. He seemed to take a minuet to process the question for some reason, but then he nodded. you pick (Favorite ice cream. Shoto got a vanilla ice cream and he paid for both. You ate yours a little to fast and got a brain freeze, and started to wine and rubbing your head. Shoto saw this and put his left hand on your head lightly and warmed up his hand and it helped your head. You smiled and thanked him.

Soon checked the time and realized your father should be home by now. "Hey shoto I'm sorry I need to go home now." you said apologetically. He didn't mind. "I can walk you home if you want me to." he said and you nodded. As you were walking home you felt eyes burning into the back of your neck. You kept walking until you saw your house and waved shoto good bye.

As you walk inside you saw you dad and smiled. "hey dad." you said softly and he smiled at you. "hey sweet heart." You heard sometimg up stairs and knew it was your mom. "Is mom here with someone...?" He sighed and nodded. you sit next to him and look up into his Blue eyes. "Dad you need to do something about this... it wont end good if you don't..." You said. He nodded but seemed sad. "but I don't know what to do..." He said and you hugged him. "just try your best dad. that's all I ask of you. okay?" He nodded.

Bakugo x Reader X Kirishima X TodorokiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora