Chapter 6

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You wake up to the sound of a loud bang on the front door. you got kinda scared but you didn't really mind. As you start to sit up you get pulled back down by an arm wrapped around your waist. You were confused until you remembered what happened last night. You looked over at kiri but see hes not awake. You grin and make him unwrap his arms and you walk to the front door. but right when you were about to grab the door knob there was an even louder and harder knock on the door. you open it kind of irritated but then you see Bakugou, Mina, Sero, and a yellow haired boy you haven't seen before.

"Oh uh... hey guys what's up..?" you look at them in confusion and Mina looks horrified. Bakugou on the other hand looked like he was pissed. "What the hell happened to you!" You glared at him. "Stop yelling! or you will wake Kirishima up!" Sero looks behind you and sees kiri asleep. You let them in and somehow bakugou didn't yell anymore... You and mina go to the kitchen and make some tea for everyone. and an extra incase kiri wakes up. indeed he did...

As you and mina walk back into the living room, Kiri was now sitting up and next to bakugou. Bakugou seemed to be yelling at kiri but kiri somehow didn't stop him. he just looked tiered. You set down the tea and you slowly give everyone a cup. As you start to pour them all tea you never saw the yellow haired boy staring at you from his seat. You look over at him. "Yes? is something wrong?" you stare at him. He just shakes his head and smiles kindly.

"Hi! I don't think we've met before! My name is Kaminari!" He holds his hand out for you and you shake it gently as you finish pouring everyone some tea. as you started to sit down bakugou grabbed you and made you sit between him and kiri. for some reason bakugou glared daggers at Kaminari. "Well... my name is 'Y/N L/N'. its nice meeting you kaminari." You said slowly as you look at kirishima. He just shrugs.

"Oh! kiri guess what! my wounds healed good! your dad said I can leave when im ready!" You beamed. His smile slowly changed to a small frown. "Oh, well, im glad your healing okay! but.. can you stay one more night?". You shrug and look down at your phone. you knew if you go back home something bad would happen. You look at kiri with big, begging eyes. "Can I instead Live with you? pleeese? pretty pleeeees?"

You gave him puppy dog eyes. He looked surprised and bakugou chimes in. "What!? live with shitty hair!? that's a shitty idea! And what do you mean wounds! what happened! did he hurt you!?" You stand up quickly. "No! he would never! it was... my mother..." As you explain what all happened (I don't wanna type all that again...) You saw everyone exept kiri surprised and horrified. bakugou was pissed. like, REALLY REALLY pissed.


You walk the halls with kirishima and mina. you were talking about somehow moving your stuff into kiris house but not sure how you were going to do it with out being caught. As you decide on going in at night you bump into someone. You look up and see shoto. "Oh- hey! sorry about the text. its just-... Shoto..?" You realized he looks almost sad. You gasp and grab his hand and take him back over towards Midoriya and Uraraka.

"Guys do you know why shoto is so upset?" You asked them. they look at you in surprise and uraraka glares at you for some reason. she grabs Midoriya's hand and drags him away from you. You look super confused and kinda upset. Why are they avoiding me..? (I think ima use this as the thinking thing from now on.) You look at shoto and he now looked mad and he walks away. "Shoto- wait! whats wrong!" You tried to make him stop but he keeps walking.

You feel bad and just walk away back to kiri and mina. "Hey guys... why are they so mad at me..?" You asked. Mina looked at the ground like she didn't wanna say anything and kiri didn't speak. just looked away. THEM TOO!? You feel your eyes start to burn. your feelings were being hurt. You try to think about what you might have done... but nothing comes to mind... You walk to class. as you walk in everyone goes silent and stares at you.

You still don't know what you did wrong so you sit down and sit there with your head in the clouds. trying to think about what happened and what you did to make them act this way. All of a sudden you hear your name called. " 'Y/N' are you paying attention?" Someone in the class room snickers "I think shes trying to figure out more ways to break into are houses with out being caught this time!".

WHAT!? You look at the kid who said it. It was... Jiro..? You stared at her in shock. "What are you talking about? I never broke into Anyone's house.?" She rolls her eyes. "Oh really? so, why did your mother call the school to tell principal Nezu you broke into your neighbor's house?" Wait... WHAT!?

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