Chapter 7

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"Once they start eating, they won't stop…"

The entire group sighed in unison after Kuguru finished her sentence.

"HEY! QUIT TAKING MY FOOD!" Gao exclaimed.

"THIS IS MY PLATE, NOT YOURS!" Drum countered.


"Why does this feel like déjà vu.." Kiri said.

Everyone nodded at the boy and continued to watch the trio fight over their dinner.

"Let's just ignore them and eat our share," Tasuku said, grabbing Tsuki's hand into his.

Tsuki blushed a little at the action and looked at her lap shyly as the commotion continued to fly around their heads.

"OW! DON'T SLAP ME!" Drum yelled at Baku.


The girls in the room lowered their eyelids into a poker face and eyed the dragon and the brown headed boy with disinterest. The two stopped pulling at each other's faces and looked over to the others confusedly.

"Hwat?" they both said with their cheeks stretched out by force.

'Nothing.. Nothing…' the group members mumbled.

Baku and Drum looked at each other and shrugged, continuing their cat fight right after as Gao reached over to steal more food.

'Idiots….' everyone in the room thought.

"Kids, when you finish dinner, go get ready to sleep, okay? You can stay up until 10 PM. It's around 9:07 PM right now. AND QUIT FIGHTING BOYS! WE HAVE PLENTY MORE FOOD IN THE KITCHEN!" Mrs. Mikado exclaimed.

"Okay!" they answered back, the trio finally stopping their little fight for a brief second.

"So, Tasuku, how does it feel like sitting at a dinner table in a dress with your lover?" Zanya asked, snickering at his own question.

'It feels like I've just been brought to a tea party…' the police officer muttered, everyone trying hard not to laugh at his answer.

"How about you? Wearing Tetsuya's clothes and all?" Tasuku shot back.

"…. It makes me feel… messy.. Unorganized..." he said, pulling at Tetsuya's jacket.

"Messy? At least you can sit down! I STILL CAN'T MOVE IN THESE CLOTHES!" Tetsuya said, trying to reach out to the food in front of him.

"How about you, Baku? How's the makeup?" Suzuha asked, delicately eating her small food portion.

"Don't. Even. Go there," Baku hissed firmly.

Gao stuffed more food into his mouth, emptying his plate quickly to get even more before the other two.

"Ah! I'll get you some more!" Suzuha suddenly said, reaching out to get his plate.

"O-oh, thanks, Suzuha, but you don't have to…" Gao trailed off embarrassedly.

"It's fine! I want to get it for you anyways!" she said, handing back his plate with more food than ever.

"Say ahhh!~" Kuguru said, trying to feed Zanya.

"A-ahhhh….." Zanya said, wanting to shut his mouth and look away.

Tsuki eyed the two jealously and then looked over to Tasuku slowly. The girl continued to stare at her lover next to her as he ate his food peacefully.

"Ah?" he said, his food halfway in his mouth.

"Is something the matter?" he asked the girl as he pulled the silverware away from his mouth.

"N-no, nothing's wrong.." Tsuki said, looking away and glancing at the glasses couple repetitively.

Tasuku caught her eyes lingering over to the two and allowed his own eyes to look over at them.

"Jealous?" he asked, a small smile forming onto his face.

Tsuki frowned a little and looked away from the boy and the young couple. "N-no."

Tasuku chuckled at her response and shook his head a little.

'Yes, you are,' he mumbled before kissing her head.

Tsuki's face got darker, causing her to look at the living room area.

"Aww, why don't you ever treat me that nice?" Jin asked Megumi, pointing at the three couples.

"Cause I'm not interested," Megumi answered bluntly, eating her food.

'Ouch.. That's harsh..' Kiri muttered to Tetsuya.

"I heard that!" Jin said, looking at Kiri with a crying face.

"DRUM! DON'T STEAL MY FOOD!" Gao suddenly exclaimed again.

"But that wasn't me!" the dragon retorted.

The two looked over at Baku to see him chew his food, slowing down the action to look at the boy and his buddy confusedly.

"Ghwat?" the boy asked innocently.

"You took my food didn't you.."Gao asked.

Baku swallowed his food before answering his friend and washed it down with water.

"Not even, bro. You're just being delusional," he finally answered.

"…. I don't think I want to look at your face anymore.." Gao suddenly said.

"What was that?!" Baku exclaimed.

"It's very horrifying…"

The entire group looked over at Baku to have a look at his face as Gao looked away from the boy. An awkward silence passed through the entire room before the group gave a small short snort and burst out laughing at Zanya's art skills.

"H-he's actually right, Baku, it IS horrifying!" Tetsuya said, pointing at his face.

"H-hey! How offensive!" the boy yelled.


Tsuki began to giggle a little, covering up her mouth to not let a peep slip out.

"Props?! PROPS?! YOU'RE KIDDING! WHEN CAN I REMOVE IT?" Baku asked desperately.

"Well, we already told you until this game ends. It'll end soon since we're spending most of our time eating," Suzuha pointed out as she giggled.

"That'll also mean that I'll get my clothes back!" Zanya said with relief, feeding Kuguru her portion of food.

"And that also means I'll get out of this dress as well," Tasuku cried with joy.

"But that dress looks good on you, you do know that right?" Jin joked, smirking at the boy.

"Why don't YOU wear a dress next?" Tasuku spat at the boy.

"I-I think I'll pass on that…"

Megumi looked over at her friend and gave a small smile.

"Then how about a skirt? Or even high heels? Strutting like model?" the girl listed casually, Jin's face turning red from embarrassment.

"N-no thanks.. None of those either…" he replied, trying to get the images out of his head as everyone laughed.

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