Chapter 8

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"So, should we continue with the game, do something else, or sleep?" Gao asked as the group headed back into his room.

"I don't know about you guys, but Kuguru is getting tired.." Baku said, pointing at the girl in Zanya's arms.

"I'm not too tired yet...." she muttered sleepily.

"Hm, let's call it quits for now," Jin said, rubbing the back of his head.

"Alright! We get to get rid of these ridiculous things!" Baku and Tasuku said in unison, running back to Gao's room as quickly as possible.

"You know, Tasuku, you run really gracefully when you're in a dress!" Tetsuya called after the police officer.

'SHUT UP!' the boy called.

The group shook their heads and laughed as they followed after the two.

"I'll go on ahead to moved some stuff away for more room to sleep," Gao said, walking ahead quickly.

"Since the game ended already, we need to switch clothes again, Tetsuya," Zanya reminded the boy.

"Thank the lord! This outfit is making me feel uncomfortable! Can't even walk properly, bro!" the dancer replied happily, tears streaming down his face.

"He's overreacting," Megumi said, the group nodding in agreement.

Kiri began patting the boy's back as they got closer to the room and farther away from the stairs. Crashes could be heard from the Sun Fighter's room from a distance, the group beginning to wonder what was going on.

'W-WHOA!' Gao exclaimed, a heavy thud echoing around the house.


'YEAH, MOM!' the boy replied back, sticking his head out the door to answer.

Kuguru began to squirm in Zanya's arms as she began to feel uncomfortable for being in such a position for long.

"I-I think I'll go ahead and put her to bed quickly..." Zanya stuttered, walking away to hide his blush.

Tsuki stared at the back of the boy's head and sighed, wishing Tasuku would do something like that for her.

"Let's just hurry up and check on Baku and Tasuku" Suzuha suddenly said. "I bet Baku doesn't even know how to remove makeup from his face."

Finally entering the boy's room again, the rest of the group member found Zanya carefully tucking Kuguru into bed as Gao set out the rest of the futon. Zanya hesitantly pecked the girl's forehead and turned around to see everyone smirking at him playfully.

"I-IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK!" he exclaimed, hiding his face with Tetsuya's jacket.

"T-Tetsuya.. Let's hurry up and get changed..."

Tasuku came out of the closet in his own clothes again with a neatly folded dress in his arms as he stretched.

"It feels good to be a guy again...." the boy said, handing Gao the dress.

"Guys! I need help removing the makeup!" Baku exclaimed, peeking his head over from the mirror in the room.

Everyone in the room froze in place with their eyes wide opened.

"Oh dear... N-next time, don't wipe at it... YOU'RE GOING TO SMEAR IT ALL OVER YOUR FACE, MORON!" Suzuha exclaimed running over to help him clean it off quickly.

"You look like you just came out of a horror movie," Kiri said, looking away quickly.


"Stay still!" Suzuha ordered.

Megumi sighed and walked over to where the two sat, holding back Baku's arms.

"If you keep moving, you'll make it worse..." Megumi warned.

Tasuku finally burst out in laughter on the floor at the scene being unfolded in the very room her was in. Tsuki tried to contain her giggles for a little longer, failing to keep it in this time and started to laugh until her stomach began to ache.

"Criminals really need to learn more from you, Baku!" Tasuku said, laughing out loud again.

"Hey! That's offensive!" the boy exclaimed.

"Finally back to-" Zanya cut himself off as he looked over at Baku with wide eyes, followed by Tetsuya.

"HAHAHAHA, DUDE, THAT LOOK FITS YOU PERFECTLY, YO!" Tetsuya laughed as he pointed at Baku's face.

"S-shut up!" Baku grumbled.


Finally getting the makeup fully removed and everyone ready for bed, the group stood at the doorway and looked at the room filled with futons.

"Since Kuguru is asleep over there.... Zanya!" Jin exclaimed, pointing at the boy. "You're sleeping next to her!"

Zanya blushed at the thought of it and looked at the floor for a bit.

"Fine..." he said, walking over to one of the futons beside her.

"Couples are to sleep with each other for the night, so Gao and Suzuha gets to pick a spot next!" Jin announced.

Everyone, but the couples nodded in agreement and shoved them all to the front of the line.

".... S-so.. Where would you like to sleep?" Gao asked, awkwardly offering his hand out.

The girl began to blush and grabbed the boy's hand, leading him over to a corner.

"Here would be fine.." she said nervously.

"Looks like we're next.." Tasuku said, looking away.

Tsuki nodded and felt a pang of disappointment hit her chest as the boy looked away from her, grabbing at his hand.

"Let's just go sleep over here..." the girl said, trying to hide her own nervous voice.

"Alright then, everyone can go get the left over futons," Jin said, walking over to one of the bedding.

"Hey! I wanted that spot!" Tetsuya complained to Kiri, earning a sigh from the boy and switching sides.

"Better?" Kiri asked.

"Yep! Thanks, my man!" Tetsuya exclaimed, lying down onto the futon.

The couples exchanged quick shy pecks on their cheeks before lying down onto their picked futons, earning snickers from the other students.

"Alright, I'm turning off the lights now," Megumi announced. "Good night, everyone."

"Night, dawg."

"Good night."

"Right, night."

"I want food."

"Oh just hurry and sleep!"

Megumi sighed and turned off the lights, heading back to her area and covering herself up with the blanket she had.

'.... Hey, Tsuki?' Tasuku whispered.

'Hm? What is it, Tasuku?' the girl answered, still fully awake.

'You do know that I love you, right?' he asked awkwardly.

'... Yes...' she said embarrassedly.

'Do you feel the same for me?' Tasuku continued.

'... Yes.. Of course...'

The two smiled at each other as their eyes adjusted to the dark room.

'Let's just sleep now. Good night, Tsuki,' the boy said, kissing her cheek again and locking their hands together.

'Good night, Tasuku..'

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