Chapter Three: Dean Really Likes Pie

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You had heard the Winchesters leave that morning, debating leaving just after them. Your stomach gurgled, you needed food anyways. As you lifted yourself you groaned, there was no way you'd be able to make it out in the world right now. Not with the wounds that still have yet to heal.

But you were so hungry if you weren't going to leave, then you needed to cook something. You bit your lip, you knew it was kind of over stepping a boundary, when you said you wouldn't be taking any food, but the kitchen they had in the bunker was huge. They also had just enough supplies to bake a pie, perfect for mid-day snacks. "Yum." You whispered to yourself, making work on your treat.

About an hour and a half later you wiped the sweat from your brow and took the pie out of the oven, jumping three feet in the air at the smiling face in the door way. Oh no.

"What happened to just sleeping for a few days?" You stuttered at his question. "Uh- We- You kn- Pie?" He chuckled at the dish you held out to him, coaxing him to walk over to smell the delicious dessert.

"You know, Dean really likes pie." He paused, "So I'm sure as long as some is saved he won't be mad at you for lying." You smile a little, "Really?" You felt some relief at his words, you had said you weren't going to use any food. "He must have pretty good judgement then because pie, is amazing."

Jack shrugged strutting over to a cabinet and retrieving a couple plates with forks. "It's not cooled down enough yet to eat." You pouted and he couldn't help the ache in his chest at the sight before him.

You turned to open the freezer and place the pastry to cool, when something caught your eye. You gasped grabbing the vanilla ice cream and plopping the tub on the counter next to the steaming dessert. "Pie is even better with ice cream."

You told him like it was a well know fact and he laughed. "Is it?" You tilted your head, much like he did the first time you met. "Have you never had Pie à la Mode?!" His eyebrows creased even more at the name and you grinned wickedly.

"Here." You spoke grabbing a fork and scooping a bit of each on the end of it. You held it out to him, watching him blow on the pie, he was just so easy to get comfortable around you forgot that you don't typically feed people you just meet. "And t-thats not even the full deal." Cheeks tinted just a little darker at your realization, you place the fork back down and put the desert in the freezer. "You seem-" He paused, "Soft for a hunter." You smiled slightly.

"If you catch me in the right moment I'm even into cuddling and Disney." You snorted at your confession and his smile grew, expression lighting up in interest. "I like Disney." Your e/c eyes dragged curiously over the man's face, he seemed very innocent for his age, which you knew wasn't three months. He even seemed older than you. "Oh really?"

Speaking in a challenging tone, you turned away from him and dished you two a plate of 'the best food in the world' after the pie had cooled. Before you knew it Mulan was playing in the den and half the pie was gone.

It was really easy to lose track of time with this guy. At the thought you looked over at him, his eyes trained on the movie playing before him. "You're very peculiar." You said suddenly making him look away from the film.

"You're very pretty." Your cheeks were bright red in the dark room, but you were sure the illuminated screen gave him a full view. You and him have been watching movies all day, the moon sure to be out amongst the stars. "I like when your cheeks do that p-pink thing." He gestured to his own face and chuckled at your loss for words. Was he... Flirting with you?

"T-thank you, Jack." His eyes fluttered closed at his name, the shivers back in full force. Sometime into night you had fallen into a cuddling position, your hips between his legs, head on his chest and drowsy eyes closing every other second.

You were trying to stay awake and help yourself to notice that this was-- well over weird, but you were so comfortable and the fingers running threw your hair just added to the coziness.

"You should lay in bed, you're falling asleep." You nodded lazily, sitting up along with him. The back of his hand ran across your heated, tired cheek and he sighed at the soft skin you had. Before you could stop yourself you eyed his lips and licked your own.

It was a tender kiss, one that easily turned into a passionate make out session. When you pulled away for breath you could've sworn you saw his eyes flash golden, his chest heaving and nails still scraping across your scalp. "I'm gonna go to sleep now." You stated a little dazed, and a little awkwardly. You figured that it was your imagination since you yawned just after your words.

"Y-yeah okay." You felt like a teenager with the way the two of you talked to eachother. When you got to Jack's room you placed a hand over your chest. You couldn't let your guard down, you have things to do after tomorrow. You didn't have time to act like a 13 year old and play this stupid game... Though no matter how hard you tried to push it down you were starting to like Jack.

Edited: Apr 15, 20

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