Chapter Eight: Against Time

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A couple days have gone by and you had felt a... Little better about the relationship with your eternal. Jack had been feeling better about the swing of things too, even if he was using the minimum of his powers.

Although lately you've been trying to hide your only frustration with him. He wouldn't stop going on and on about the Winchester's. 'Where could they be' and 'Maybe I just need to keep looking harder'. This world that you've created in only a short while, might be ruined because--

You stopped your train of thought, taking the food out of the oven as you heard footsteps. "Hey, princess." He said from behind you and your smile widened. "Hello, prince." You replied.

"I made enchiladas and I hope they're good because I'm craving the heck out of them." The smirk he wore was suspicious, and you squinted up at him. The hands wrapping around your waist making you blush. "Do you know what I'm craving?" You pushed him off of you with a giggle, "Shut up perv. Eat, I worked hard on it." Throwing his hands up at your cute little pout he grabbed the spatula and dished the two of you out some, carrying the plates to the table.

"They smell really good." He spoke, diving in as soon as he butt hit the chair. You grinned thanking him before letting your mind trail off once again. Breathing out a deep sigh, you set your fork down before you began. Everything would be different if the brothers came back, what if Jack didn't think the two of you were so 'compatible' anymore? What if they wanted you to leave, or if everyone felt you were a burden, you couldn't go threw that again. Gulping you looked up at Jack. You could never bring these concerns to him. It'd probably end up in a fight.

"What is it?" He asked concerned, his brows creasing and his heart rate jumping up. "Are you okay? I can feel you." Pushing your hands through your hair, you groan with frustration. "Jack what if when everyone comes back they don't want me to stay?" It was the wrong question you wanted to ask but the first thing you thought to blurt out. "Then-"

He was looking down his blue orbs searching for an answer. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "Then I'd leave them behind. I'd go with you." Your chest tightened at the pain in his voice. "No. Jack, they're your family maybe we coul-" interrupting you his head tilted at you like you had said the dumbest thing and you shrunk back at his expression.

"You are my family too and if I had to choose-." He gulped back the rest of his words down his throat. Your eyebrows furrowed together waiting for him to continue. When he didn't, you spoke another one of your concerns. "What happens when I want kids, would they be okay with that? Would we have to move to get away from hunting? We couldnt keep doing this."

Moving your plate aside you went on. "We have to think about this, w-what if I can't save them? What if-" He stopped you with a kiss, his body leaned far over the table and his half empty plate of enchiladas pushed to the side as well. "It's going to be okay. No more what if's." He smiled, trying to disregard the fact that his mother died having him. How was he supposed to have kids with you and keep you at the same time?

"Let's just-" He stammered for a moment, his own worries now popping into his head. "E-Eat and then we'll watch a movie or something." There was a shaky feeling in his hands and a fire in his chest, he felt on edge. "I don't know if this will last with the Winchester's here."

Everything paused, the gurgle in his stomach now caused by something else entirely. "What?" He said lowly. You looked at him, gearing up for a fight. You were only protecting yourself. "Sam doesn't even like me! He didn't even want me to come to the bunker! Castiel either!"

On the verge of hyperventilating Jack stands up and looks down at you. "They're my family. You don't even want to try? You just want to declare it right now that when- Sorry, if they come back that this is all over!?" He was hurt, you could hear it. Shit you could feel it. You stood up along side him. "Listen if we are even going to be together then we need to be honest. I'm just being honest about the future!"

Walking a few steps away from you he runs his hands threw his hair, once. Then twice. "What about wanting kids someday?" It was barely above a whisper but broke your heart nonetheless. "Not everything is fair." Your hand flew to your shoulder, hugging yourself as the words poured from your mouth. "Yeah I know what's not fair."

He turned away from you and let his head drop, "Are you doing this to protect us, or to protect yourself?" That was all he said before he left the bunker. Vanished, in the blink of an eye. Your chest filled with panic in an instant, guilt washing over your body.

The rain poured heavily on the light brown jacket he wore. The street light doing no good at it's job. It was like he was in the middle of nowhere waiting for nothing. He knew he had to go back sometime, he couldnt stay away from you and he didnt really want to try. "Hey." Someone said behind him. Turning around, nothing was seen but a pair of red eyes. "Lu-" The man cut him off by stepping out of the shadows pushing the nephilim to step towards a bench and away from the devil. "I'd prefer Dad, actually." He shrugged sitting beside his offspring.

"Where'd you come from!? Wheres Sam and Dean?!" Lucifer put his hands up quickly, defense written on his features. "I came from just down that shadowy path." His finger pointed behind him, a cheeky expression in his face. "And anyways, why do I have to be the blame for those two knuckle heads disappearances?" Jacks stone look made Lucifer sink a bit. "Is that what's got you so down? Your missing your wittle friends?" The baby voice he was talking in sounded distant and not really directed towards Jack.

Stuttering his son answered. "N-no. Kind of?" With his arms on the back of the bench and the rain clearing up, Lucifer tsked. "Well-" He paused sitting and facing towards Jack excitedly, "Maybe I can help, it'd be kind of a bonding moment. Lay it on me, it'll be fun." The evil man clapped his hands together and grinned, the happy little shake in his shoulders doing nothing to ease Jack's suspicions. Nevertheless, Jack had no one else to talk this threw. With a heavy huff he agreed."Okay."

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