Chapter Ten: From the Dead

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You were just about getting somewhere with the phones. They had so many numbers that anyone could be on at any time, and vice versa. Jack was out on a supply run, grabbing the certain type of meal you were craving and the little gummies he was so fond of. Your stomach gurgled, you at least needed some water before you ate yourself.

A fluttering sound came from where you were previously, smiling as you assumed it was your eternal you were surprised to see a blue eyed man stand disappointedly in the middle of the library. "Castiel?" You ask coming back from the kitchen with a glass of water.  At this point Jack had arrived with the food, "Princess!" He called out and your shoulders caved in on themselves. When the boy had made it into the room he had almost the same reaction. "C-Castiel?"

There wasn't any probing from Jack, just astonishment that the angel was there in front of him. You looked quietly from one to the other. "Where have you been?" You ask demandingly, not fully expecting an answer from the agitated look on his face. "Why did you disappear on Jack?" Your eternal placed a hand on your shoulder to relax them, but you shrugged him off as soon as he made contact with you.

"Answer me damn it!" You had seen the golden glowed boy go through alot just to be left in the dark. The angel rolled set his jaw, "I only came here for an Enochian tablet. I don't have time to explain. But I will when the Winchesters and I get back." Jack stepped forward at that. "Whats going on Castiel, may- maybe we can help?" He seemed so eager to please the rude angel and it made you furious. "You won't be useful right now." He said right out, trying his hardest not to look the boy in the eye. The angel's shoulders were slumped and the frown that appeared on his face after he spoke to your eternal told you he didnt mean what he said.

You were sure he cared for Jack, I mean you've seen it before they all left for the hunt. So why was he acting this way? "Castiel did you know me and him were eternals?" This made him stop, turn to you and furrow his brows. "What?" He said it lowly and you jutted your chin out. "I said did you know me and Jack were eternals?!" Dropping what he had in his hand he vanished before your eyes.
Castiel appeared in a rush when he came back to the Winchester's. Dean jumped, "Damn it, Cas! What'd i say about the-" He waved his hand in the mans direction. "We have bigger problems than your nerves Dean." Cas spoke tensely, Sam looking on in worry decided to question. "I thought the Enochian tablet was at the bunker-" The Angel cut him off. "Y/n and Jack are eternals." The boys sat there confused for a moment. "Like soulmates?" Dean asked an expression on his face that expressed concern. "Unfortunately for us it worse than that." Replied his best friend.

You pulled at your hair, Jack jumping after Castiel. Stopping at the spot the blue eyed man was just in. "No!" He yelled, flashing eyes of gold. The room shook lightly and your worried eyes landed on the man with his hands in his hair. You tried your hardest to wrap your arms around his waist and when you did, the soft quaking ceased. He crumbled in his spot, crying into your shoulder.

"Jack. This is good, this means they're okay. He'll have to come back for the tablet we'll see him again." The man in your arms nodded against your shoulder. "Why did he leave like that?" He sniffed, his crying dying down and lifting you so you sat on his lap. "When you asked him if he knew." Your fingers carded through his brown tuff's of hair, he needed a shower. "I don't know."

Suddenly there was a soft mattress underneath you, Jack's forehead against yours. "They're okay." You smiled at his sudden realization. "They're okay." You reassured then feeling his lips on yours and his hands against your sides, you pulled away and giggled. "So I need to take a shower huh?" He tickled you and you tried to squirm away. "Oh God, Jack please- aha no!"

When he finally stopped he pulled you as close as possible. "Why don't we take one together?" The two of you trotted on the tile, the water gushing from the pipe and down onto your hand. You were checking the tempature as Jack discarded his clothes. When he was done you felt his front press up against your back, his hand coming to push under his shirt you wore. He cupped your breast, though only for a quick second as he finally pulled the material off of you.

The only thing you had on now was your under wear, you turned to watch Jack slide down to his knees, trailing kisses up your thigh and to the top of your silky underwear. He dragged the fabric down with his teeth, stopping just above your knee and moving to let you shimmy the rest of the way out. He trailed his love bites back up, placing a hickey just on your abdomen. One of his hands came to spread your legs, "Beautiful." He reminded you.

His fingers made their way to your bundle of nerves, his kisses turning to nips and hickeys along your thighs. You wouldn't want to be anywhere but here. Not able to hold back, you moaned at the feeling of warmth. His powers had begun to fall through your body, your muscles, and relaxing them. The tingling sensation moved to pumped in and out of you, you twiched around it. A shiver left you, then an involuntary whimper and in response your love's mouth came to wrap around your clit, his tongue flicking in a steady rhythm.

Your legs shook, and to steady yourself you grabbed a handful of his hair. You threw your head back as the nephilim added two fingers inside your core, causing you to squeeze around the grace and his digits. "Please-" he chuckled from beneath you. "Please what?" You whined, god you wanted him. You looked down to see his hand pumping himself and you moaned, the flushed red tip and the precum made your mouth water.

Jack cheeks reddened at your thoughts and his pace quickened, both on himself and you. "J-jack I'm gonna-" Shushing you he nodded. "I know." It seemed his grace had spread through you, a few pinch lathered lightly on your nipples. As he pleaded with you, this back of him throat telling you everything he couldn't form into words, your legs quaked and your head fell back once more. His name left your mouth, maybe dozens of times, and a white hot feeling wrapped around you.

Looking down you see your juices along his chin and a goofy smile adorn his face. Standing up his arms wrap around your waist, "Being one with you like that is ethereal." Taking you underneath the water his hands rub over your skin in a soothing manner. "Mr. Kline that mouth is ethereal." He chuckled, "I can't help that im addicted to such sweet things."

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