Chapter Six: In Summary, Fate

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You and Jack flipped through books for only a short while before you found the right summoning spell. You had gotten lucky, youd thought this would take alot longer than it did. "I think this one will work, we just need-" Your back straightened as you stretched the word. "Oh." Jack tilted his head up in curiousness at your surprise. "What does it say?"

Setting the book down you push your hair back and head for the kitchen. "They look like really simple ingredients. Honey, daisy petals and bird bones, it doesn't give any specifics for what type of bird it has to be, so any type I guess. I'm sure we don't have the last two in the bunker." Watching you search, a little franticly, for the first item Jack slid the book towards him.

"I'll be back." As soon as you turned around and saw that the golden glowed boy was gone, the air was colder and the bunker seemed darker. Suddenly everything was a threat the safety you felt only moments before had vanished. Panic rose in your chest for no real reason, and in a blink he was back in his seat. "Don't ever do that again!" You threw the half full honey bottle at his chest. "What?" He tilted his head a little leaning to pick up the bottle. "Leave?"

Looking at him a little dumbfounded you replied, "Yes." You sighed, you didnt know why that surge of anxiety flew threw you like it had. He smirked to himself, you wanted him here. The thought alone was enough to brighten his mood. "Okay so did you get the last ingredients?" He smiled at you and didn't speak for a fleeting moment. "Yeah, daisy's and bird bones." You hopped to the table with determination. When you came to stand by his side he bent forward, presenting the flowers with a blush. "Th-Thank you." You couldnt help the color that rose to your face either as you gently took the bouquet. "Alright let's do this thing."

You didnt really have the tongue for the latin but you gave it your all and when you'd had finally finished the paragraph... Nothing happened. Or so it seemed. A gasp came from the kitchen and the two of you looked at each other with confusion. Pulling your gun from your waist band, you followed behind Jack nervously.

"You guys have anything sweet?" Said a heavier man as he rummaged through the fridge. "Oh! Pie!" He exclaimed, pulling out the desert you prepared a while back. "Why are you naked?" Jack asked the man, but no answer came. The man was all smiles and for a cupid, you guessed, pretty laid back.

Huffing quietly you lowered your gun and cleared your throat. "So--" He cut you off. "Yes soulmates exist!" He had a fork in his hand now and was chowing down, as he interrupted you cheerfully. "Are we-" The cupid laughed cutely, "Oh God no." The hurt in your chest was a surprise, you didn't know why, you had wanted it to be this answer. You didnt want the burden of a soulmate so why were you upset.

Quickly glancing at Jack, you wondered if the news upset him as well. "You guys are one step above that." He said behind a piece of pie, "See there are two levels, soulmates and eternals. It's a lame name, trust me I wanted something cooler like--" You cut him off with a snap. "Just tell us what it means!"

He pouted, setting his food down with disappointment. "Okay, okay. You guys are eternals. They are to spend eternity together whether they are fated to fall to hell or rise to heaven." The cupid scratched his head. "Cupid's aren't in charge of pairing the two eternals together, usually an angel higher up in the garrison is." Your mind first fled to Castiel. "Although that angel, after the eternals are set together, is responsible for the outcome no matter good or bad.

"Not every eternal is compatible. Actually I've seen sometimes, that they're too compatible." He laughed, "Is there a way to know which angel set us up?"

The cupid didn't answer at first and Jack spoke to add to his question, "Or if they did it intentionally or not?" The interviewed man pursed his lips, "There's no real way that you could tell, but I've been told that the angel will have visions of one of the partners, because of that it's usually always intentionally. Thanks for the pie, you should cook more often." And then he was gone, along with the pie. You grumbled, turning to your eternal.

"Do you think Castiel set us up? Do you think we're compatible? Didnt you mention something about visions when you found me?" So many thoughts poked and prodded through your head. "Who set us up and why?"

There was nervousness on Jack's face, how could he know if they were compatible. Or even worse, if the angel that set them up knew the answer or not. "Y/n, I'm not sure. I-I was having visions of you, but I had no idea you were mine."

A disturbing thought went through his head, maybe you didn't want to be an eternal with him. He didn't want to force you to do anything so, looking at you he speaks again. "Do you-- want to be together like a couple? Maybe eternals aren't always together like that?" You contemplate sitting in front of him on the island stool. "I," You paused gulping down the knot in your throat.

Not only was the angel who set you up responsible for the actions the two of you but so were you, most importantly you if you decided you wanted kids. Jack is an angel himself, how would that even work? Although you couldnt deny the bubbles of excitement and relief when you heard that the two of you were destined to be together.

You gazed into his blue eyes and smiled as you answered. "I want to, yeah." The light that shined threw on his face and the happiness he felt almost made him forget the missing family he had been so distraut about previously.

Lifting your hips so that you're sitting on his lap he scoots you close to him, the heavy breath on his tongue and the anticipation in his eyes as he waits for your move sets you ablaze, "Okay." You say before leaning down to kiss him feverishly.

The fire that ignites in your lungs is welcomed now and you move your hips subconsciously feeling the reactions of his fingers tightening on your sides. You move your hands underneath the brown shirt he wore, feeling his chest and the heart beat that lay just under it. "Okay?" He laughs watching a coy grin slip it's way onto your face. "Definitely."

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