Chapter Thirteen: A Brilliant Solution

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When you had finally managed to get alone, your hand coming to cover your mouth. You were sure Jack could feel the sudden shift in your mood as the tears framed your face. You were holding back sobs from your throat as not to alert any unwanted eyes or footsteps from wherever the hell the Winchester brothers were.

"I might have a solution to all of this." The questioning looks probed you and you thought maybe this wasn't a good idea after all.

A ragged breath fell from your lips and you moved your hair out of your eyes as you calmed yourself. "Okay." It came out as a whisper. "Flowers in, candles out." You repeated the line a few more times without knowing, or really following the vague breathing instructions.

"Y-you think you have a solution?" Asked Sam with a perplexed look on his face. "You know what would be the best solution?" The elder Winchester said suddenly with a tint of anger to his tone. "Leave. You've over stayed your welcome anyways." You didn't know why but the angel jumped up to turn to Dean with a protest.

"You can't force her out when her eternal is locked away! That could mak-" You placed a hand on his shoulder with hesitance. "N-No-" You trailed off, you spoke timidly, the thoughts of actually walking out that door frightened you.

You pushed yourself from the wall, wiping your face from the tears and shaking your shoulders. The sad expression on your face quickly forming into the hard lines of a numb emotion you knew too well. It was like your feet moved on your own, taking you to Jack's room to retrieve your things. Dean sat against one of the nephilims dressers with pained features as you arrived.

The jacket around his arms tight as he crossed them infront of his chest. You didn't want to look him in the eyes, then he could tell you've been crying and the last thing you wanted was Dean Winchester to pity you.

You noticed before you continued that Sam hadn't objected to Dean's heartless solution. It wasn't really a surprise, he wanted you gone from the start. "No, Castiel." You reassured the angel, swiftly removing your hand from his trench coated skin with a snarl. "No, I was going to say that myself."

His eyes went from you to the familiar duffle on the corner of the bed. "We, uh, went to your hotel room." Your brows furrowed skeptically as you walked to the sheets. "We researched the Y/n L/n, after we left you here. We figured out your plan, Y/n." You turned your chin up and scoffed then.

The meeting you had, you'd been careless about throwing your information on your hotel bed. He knew everything. "Don't pretend you found anything, everyone tries it. I'm sure even you." It was his turn to scoff at you and as he did his weight on the wooden dresser lifted.

His feet dragged as he walked to you. "A cross roads deal? Really? You don't have to sacrifice yourself for someone, what's dead should stay dead." You chuckled at him, he thought you wanted to bring someone back? Maybe he hadn't found everything. Nodding a little, you angrily grabbed your duffle bag. Though as you went to turn and exit he pulled you back.

"I wasn't done." You glared up at him after his words, "Yeah well I'm done with your stupid monologue." Trying to put any sort of distance between you and him, you took a step back. Yet he only followed. His brows furrowed when he finally looked towards you, his eyes softer than before. You were so close you could smell his cologne and although it smelt nice, it wasn't the arms you wanted to be trapped in.

"I shouldn't have reacted the way I did before. We've been on this case for months. And it's all because Jack opened a portal, to another world and now my mom is stuck on the other side." He clenched his jaw, trying his hardest to stay calm as he talked about it.

Your shoulders sagged at the information and you suddenly felt bad for the man infront of you. "Thats why you have to leave, because you're just a distraction. We have an archangel to take care of, so I hope you see how much of an issue you really are." He spit it out like he'd been wanting to say it the moment he's gotten back.

His hand was still around the flesh of your arm and you tugged, his grip weaving tighter in the slightest. "Leaving is gonna be hard, especially from your-" He paused, the pressure that held you in place loosening and his hand reaching his pocket. "So I'm sorry. I-I wish things could be different."

He wiped the inside of his lips when he released his hold on you completely, his feet taking him back a few steps. "Hell if I had a soulmate-" You cut him of with a calculated stare and a scoff. This Dean guys emotions were all over the place. "Eternal." You corrected. He let his eyes linger on you before he decided to cut the speech short. "Whatever."

He made his way to the door then and brushed past your shoulder. His own hunched as he flew by you, and before you could stop yourself your hand reached out to grab the end of his sleeve. "I'm sorry about your mom, Dean." Shaking your grip from him he glared at you before storming to the opposite side of the bunker, without a word. You sighed, tossing the duffle bag onto your arm and strutting out of the room you and your eternal had shared.

When you came face to face with the iron door your stomach turned. Could you really make it out there on your own? Would you die before you had a chance to see Jack again? You felt a presence behind you as you worried, and you could feel an uneasiness that traveled from the dungeon to your gut. "Jack won't stop for anything if he comes out of that room and your face isn't there to greet him."

Your eyes closed, placing your hand on the door knob. "Castiel we don't have a choice. You guys have shit going on. Deans right, I would just be in the way." He didn't say anything for a moment. The only noise the muffled sounds that came from the end of the concrete prison, yelling that barely reached your ears.

You took one last look at the angel and frowned a bit. "Then tell him I hate him. Tell him we were never compatible and that I used him and the Winchesters as a way to recover, nothing else." By the end of your rant the screams from your eternal bounced around the bunker once again. By now he knew you were leaving, he could feel the panic and sadness you felt about the whole thing. "And most importantly, tell him I could never be in love with the devil's son."

It sounded more like you were trying to convince yourself. You were sure Castiel had heard it in your voice too. With one final screech from Jack you all but ran out of the gate between you and the outside world. You just didn't fully understand how reckless you were being, but whatever happened to you, you were sure the Winchesters wouldn't bat an eye.


Heyo let me know if there's any misspells or anything please I will not take offense!

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