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The rest of the day went by quietly, and Chaewon and Felix found themselves back at home discussing their experience as each other.

"Well, thanks to me you're now friends with Han Jisung!" Chaewon said.

Felix remained with an unfazed expression.

"And? As if being friends with him was important or something."

"You know what? He even invited you to a party! At his place, today! Of course that he invited almost everyone in his year, but hey, at least this time he invited you too!"

"He did what!?"

"And I think we should go." Chaewon said. "The day hasn't ended yet. You can still be me and I can still be you! Isn't it great?"

"Chaewon, no. I can't do this anymore. I miss my clothes. My short hair. Everything. Being you is just soooo tiring..." Felix complained.

But the boy ended up giving in, and in a few hours he found himself in Jisung's house.

The boy lived in a really big house. As soon as Felix entered, he couldn't help but think that he'd surely get lost in there at some point.

He also noticed how almost everyone was incredibly drunk at that point, and if not, they were making up with someone on the couch. Felix saw Jisung in the distance, talking with a group of girls while smiling.

He took all his courage and approached said boy.

"Hello, Jisung!"

"Oh, hello, Chaewon." Jisung replied. "Having fun?"

"Oh, I just arrived a few minutes ago, so not yet. I just wanted to thank you for inviting me!"

"You're welcome." Jisung said, a sweet smile appearing on his face and making Felix blush.

While Felix was talking with Jisung, Chaewon had already found the kitchen and was having a few drinks with some classmates. There were Eunbi and Minju too.

"Felix, do you know where Chaewon is?" Eunbi asked, but received no answer from the other boy, who was getting slightly tipsy. "Felix?"

"I don't know, noona!" Chaewon said. "Maybe you should go look for her yourself! She's probably talking with Jisung."

"Jisung?" Eunbi said. "It's just, so weird. I didn't know Chaewon was so interested in that boy. She always kept on telling us how she finds him annoying and everything, but today she has been clinging on him the entire day. Something's weird but I can't get the hang of it."

"Noona, you shouldn't think so much about it. Maybe Chaewon is just trying to be friends with Jisung, nothing else. Besides, Chaewon is seeeeriously in love~" Chaewon said, the alcohol beginning to take effect.

"She likes someone?" Minju said. "Who would've said that that cold-hearted bitch I call my best friend could love someone?"

Chaewon grinned.

"Right? I thought so too. But she does. She likes someone. She just, thinks he's so perfect. She blushes at the very thought of him. This never happened to her before."

While Eunbi had to deal with a tipsy "Felix", the real Felix was still talking with Jisung. Both boys were very drunk at that point, and were laying on the floor, staring at the ceiling while talking.

"So. Chaewon. What's wrong with your brother?"


"He's been talking a lot to me today. He usually ignores me but today we even became friends. There's something oddly wrong in this."

"Maybe he realised he was hating on you for no reason and decided to be nicer to you. Who knows!"

"You think so? It's kind of endearing." Jisung softly whispered, but Felix didn't manage to hear that.

"Chaewon?" Felix heard someone yell. He sat up and looked around, to find a clearly distressed Hyunjin. "Dude, have you seen Chaewon?" he asked Felix.

Jisung sat up too, and raised an eyebrow.

"Dude, you're literally in front of Chaewon." he said.

Felix grinned.

"Jisung, my man, you don't understand." Hyunjin said, while sitting down in front of him. "This is Felix. Not Chaewon."

Jisung's eyes widened slightly. What? Was Hyunjin that drunk?

"Are you okay? Felix and Chaewon are very alike but telling Chaewon she's Felix is seriously a whole different level."

"This is Felix! He's wearing a wig! I'm looking for the real Chaewon, the one who right now is wearing Felix's baggy emo clothes." Hyunjin blurted out.

"Hey! My clothes aren't emo!" Felix complained, and that's when Jisung lost it.

"So this is really Felix, huh?" Jisung said, laughing. "Let's check if it's true."

In the blink of an eye, he grabbed Felix by his waist and made him sit on top of him. Felix couldn't help but blush. A lot.

"Oh my god, I don't want to witness this." Hyunjin complained, covering his eyes. "Everyone, Felix and Jisung are fucking!" he shouted as he was leaving.

Jisung smoothly put his hand inside Felix's shit, and went all the way up to his bra.

“You're even wearing a bra?” Jisung laughed.

Jisung put his hand under Felix's bra, and, as expected, it was flat.

It took Jisung a few seconds to realise he was touching Felix like that, not Chaewon. But for some reason, it didn't bother him that much.

“Well. Let's have some fun, shouldn't we?”


It might seem like things are going fast, but don't worry, they aren't :")

I'm thinking of making this a short fic anyway

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