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“So you're telling me I also gave him hickeys.” Felix said. “Disgusting. What a disappointment.”

“Disappointment?” Chaewon asked.

“Yes. It's disappointing that I don't remember that. The feeling of my mouth against his neck...” he said, smirking, and Chaewon hit him.

“You pervert!”

“I was just kidding!” Felix quickly defended himself. “And so, you told him he was with me?”

“I didn't tell him. He realised himself like the smart boy he is.” Chaewon replied.

“And what did he do? After he realised?”

“He...he ran away.”

Felix was suddenly sad again.

“Anyways. I don't think I'll ever go back to school. Nope. Never.” he said.

“Don't be stupid.” Chaewon said. “Why not?”

Felix didn't reply and just left.

Felix ended up going to school the next day, but only because Chaewon threatened to ignore him for a month, and the boy just didn't know how he'd survive a month without his sister.

As they were entering the gates, Felix started to regret his decision on coming back. People were staring at him. At his still visible hickeys.

“They'll realise it was me.” he told Chaewon.

“So what? Be proud about it. They're all jealous of you.” Chaewon replied, shrugging it off, but Felix didn't think he could.

He waved Chaewon goodbye after he had found Hyunjin, and approached him.

“Dude, not to be gay but I missed you yesterday.” Hyunjin said, and Felix grinned.

“I missed you too, dumbass.” Felix replied.

“I saw Jisung today. I arrived earlier and Jisung usually also arrives early, so I've seen him. He didn't look as happy as yesterday.”

So the idea of having spent that night with Chaewon made Jisung happy, but if it was with Felix, it didn't? Felix couldn't help but feel disappointed. What did he expect, though? They had always treated each other like shit.

“My first class is with him.” Felix sighed. “And he's my seatmate. I'm going to die.”

Hyunjin tried to cheer the orange-haired boy, but nothing worked.

When Felix arrived to his first class, Jisung was already there. The class was empty.

Why was Jisung always so early? No wonder he only had straight A's.

He was focused on writing something in a small notebook, and didn't notice Felix taking the seat next to him.

But he did notice Felix's presence when he heard him talk with Chan, a boy who had just arrived and was sitting behind him.

Felix was in a weird position, where his neck was entirely seen and Jisung couldn't help but notice the hickeys. So it was true? Chaewon didn't lie to him?

Felix and Chan were talking in English, mainly because Felix thought Jisung wouldn't understand them.

“So, how did the party go? I couldn't come but judging you didn't go to school yesterday, I assume it was pretty bad.”

At that moment Jisung became all ears.

“It was horrible, Chan.” Felix said, pouting. “I've only come to school today because Chaewon made me.”

“But judging by the marks on your neck it seems like you did have fun?” Chan said, and then pointed at Jisung, who didn't notice. “With...?”

Felix gasped. How did Chan realise it so quickly? He then looked at Jisung, who was staring at his notebook, but wasn't writing anything. He took a look at the other boy's neck and... he had the hickeys Chaewon had told him about.

“If you make up with a person you dislike, it's not having fun, it's being stupid.” Felix simply said, looking at Chan again. The boy didn't reply. He looked worried, but Felix couldn't understand why.

“Oh yeah, I can relate to that.” Jisung suddenly said, still staring at his notebook, in perfect English.

Felix lost all the colour on his face. Jisung spoke English?

“You didn't even bother covering up your hickeys.” Jisung complained, still in English, as he looked up. “Wanted to embarrass me, huh?”

“Embarrass you?”

“Now the entire school will know I hooked up with you.”

“With me? And what about it? As if I was so proud of having hooked up with you.” Felix replied, annoyed.

“You should.”

“You also should. Not everyone is able to get a fine guy like me.”

“A fine guy? Ha, let me question that.”

“Well damn, at least I'm finer than you. You wish to have my visuals, but sadly you're stuck with that annoying face of yours.”

“Guys, stop fighti-” Chan tried to intervene.

“Well, you hooked up with that annoying face of mine.” Jisung replied, ignoring Chan.

“Yeah, not my brightest moment.” Felix said. “Alcohol makes anyone look beautiful. Even you.”

At that moment, Felix understood he had gone way too far. Jisung stood up and quickly packed his things.

“Ji...” Chan said.

“Chan, your friend is a dumbass.” Jisung said. “Tell the teacher I didn't feel well.”

And just like that Jisung disappeared.

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