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Jisung didn't attend the next day. Actually, he didn't attend for a few days. Of course that Felix didn't care, why would he worry about that guy in the first place? But on the other hand he was slightly worried, because the last time he had seen him was when he criticised Jisung's looks, and honestly, it wasn't Felix's proudest moment.

He tried to cheer himself up by saying that they had always bickered like that. It slightly worked.

Chaewon, on the other hand, was incredibly worried.

“I heard he's very self-conscious.” she said. “Like, he's popular and all, but he doesn't feel like he deserves the attention, even though he used to like it. His best friend told me at the party.”

“His best friend?”

“Lee Minho.”

“I have no idea.”

“Come on, you're his best friend, you should know?”

“Why would you even care, Lee Felix? All I've ever seen you two do is argue and bicker. All the time.”

Felix had skipped one of his classes to go look for Minho, just because he was curious about Jisung's whereabouts. And because they had to do a project together. Nothing else.

“It's just that we have to do a project together. Pleeeeease tell me...” the younger boy insisted.

“He's sick.” Minho said, giving in. “A very bad fever.”

Felix decided to believe the older boy.

“Thank you, hyung!”

“I'm not your hyung.”

“Why not?!”

“You don't know me well. You don't even know how many cats I have.”


“Get the fuck out.”

Jisung ended up coming back, and Felix didn't know if he was happy about it or not.

They boy looked incredibly tired, his eyebags were the darkest Felix had ever seen them, and he looked like he would fall at any moment.

And, of course, Jisung ignored him.

“We have to do the project, you know? I'm not going to do everything by myself.” Felix said, when they arrived to their classroom.

Jisung ignored him and kept writing something on his notebook, but this time, it was entirely used and only a few pages were left. The other day, the orange-haired boy had seen the same notebook, and he could swear that it was brand new with barely any used pages.

Maybe Jisung was into writing?

Felix couldn't help but be curious, and he grew to be frustrated because he couldn't just ask Jisung what he was doing when the other boy wasn't even talking to him.

He spent the entire class trying to make Jisung talk to him again. He didn't try apologizing, and he didn't want to do it, and instead kept on rambling about how the project was very important and it had to be done.

“Can you shut up?” Jisung said, without looking up. “I've finished the project already. Now let me work.”

“What?! You finished it?! But we didn't even begin doing it? Like, I really wanted to participate in the process and everything?”

“Just be grateful that for once you're going to get a good mark, and for free. Now shut up.”

Felix couldn't argue with that. He didn't have the best grades and whenever he was paired with Jisung (teachers liked to pair them because they're seatmates) he had the best grades. He just couldn't complain. But at the same time, it felt very unfair. Like he had done nothing.

“Nah, you'll probably tell the teacher you did everything so I get a bad grade. It's part of your evil nature.”

“First of all, I did do everything. And second of all, I'm not a bad person.” Jisung replied, still not looking up. “Now leave me alone. Thank you. This annoying face of mine has better things to do.”

“Your face isn't annoying!”

Jisung stopped writing and suddenly looked up, anger filling his eyes.

“Why can't you just leave me alone?!” Jisung yelled, many students turning around to see what was happening. Suddenly, the brown-haired boy turned completely pale.

“Whoa whoa whoa Jisung, are you okay?”

“I don't feel well.” he muttered. “I'll just... I'll send you the project so you can change some things.”

Jisung's sudden mood change weirded Felix out.

“Don't you want to go to the infirmary?”

“I told you to leave me alone.”

The bell rang, and Felix, giving up, stood up and packed his things. As he was about to leave, he noticed how Jisung still hadn't stood up and had his face in between his hands as he was shaking.

“Jisung, are you sure you don't want to go?” Felix said.

“Get out.”

As soon as Felix left the classroom he began to run as fast as his legs let him until he arrived to the dance building, and he went straight to the practice room. As expected, he found Minho there, who looked tired and was drinking some water.

“It's you again.” Minho said. “What do you need now?”

“Jisung isn't feeling very well.”

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