Reindeer Games and Norse God's

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II- Reindeer Games and Norse God's

II- Reindeer Games and Norse God's

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Stuttgart, Germany
May 4th, 2012

"We'll touch down in T-minus 1 minute." Paige tells the Captain, who is gearing up in the back.

At this point the hall is coming into view and Paige can see everybody outside kneeling infront of a man.

The young woman can only guess who the man must be.

"Is that him?" She asks the red head.

Nat nods her head, "From what I've heard and seen, that's him."

When Nat finishes confirming it, Paige takes her headset off, "This dude is gonna get it." She starts to ramble, taking off her seat belt and beginning to stand up.

Natasha places a hand on her thigh, singling her to sit back down.

"This man is a God, you'll be no good to Clint if you're dead."

Paige huffs and reluctantly sits back down.

When she turns her attention back to the people she notices an old man standing up among the group.

"Cap you might wanna hurry, I think it's your time to shine." Paige yells back.

She flips the small switch to open the back of the jet, the Captain jumps out just in time to stop a blast from hitting the man.

The blast reflects off his shield and throws it back at Loki, sending him to the ground.

She flips the switch once more to close the back and Nat swings the jet around so they're facing the God.

Nat flips on the communications system throughout the jet so that they can hear what is going on outside.

"You know," Steve looks past his shield at Loki, "the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing."

Loki grimaces as he stands.

"The soldier." He sneers. "The man out of time."

"I'm not the one who's out of time."

Nat drops one of the jets big guns from the belly, "Loki, drop the weapon and stand down." She says through the speaker.

Loki looks up at them with an angry expression and fires his sceptre.

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