I can't lose you (Angst)

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(Yoosung POV) >:3

I sit silently as I stare at the cold white linoleum tiles of the room. Dried tears on my face, I couldn't bring myself to look at him. I could hear the beeping and whirring of several different machines in the room, and I knew he was looking at me, just as scared of speaking as I was. 

I get flashbacks of the phone call from Saeyoung, the unfamiliar teary and dry sound of his voice on the other end as he spoke slowly, probably trying not to scare me. He sounded obviously upset, so of course, I asked what was wrong. 

I wish I hadn't. I mean, I know I had to find out, but I don't think I was ready. Overall I just wish this never happened. 


"There was a... an accident, Yoosung." He had taken a shaky breath on the other end. "Saeran's in the hospital-" I immediately started to panic, though I tried not to for his sake, but I couldn't control it. What happened? Was it fatal? Is he going to live? Is he going to be okay? Was it really an accident? 

"Yoosung...Yoosung!" I snap just enough out of the panic to hear his next words. 

"He asked to see you." My eyes widen in a strange mixture of relief that he was alive and could speak, but also a mixture of the everlasting panic and fear. I quickly grab my jacket and rush out of the house, still on the phone with Saeyoung so he could give me directions and keep me calm.


When I got to the hospital, I found Saeyoung in the lobby, he carefully explained to me what had happened and I couldn't keep the tears from falling as I clamp my hand over my mouth to silence the sobs. 

(End of Flashback)

When I entered the room and sat down, neither of us made a move to say anything. We sat in silence for what felt like hours, though it might have been only five minutes. 

After a while, I hear him clear his throat and, despite my sadness and frustration, I snap my eyes up to look at him.

He looked so different, laying in the hospital bed, wearing one of those blue gowns they have you were were they do an op]peration, IVs and other tubes hooked into his arm. The sight just frightened me more and I had to will myself not to turn my head again. 

"I..." The sound of his voice, raspy and tired, not that it wasn't usually, but it had a sort of, dry and worn sound to it. It almost hurt too much to hear. I don't know what it was, but hearing his voice suddenly made all of the frustration and sadness come out at once. 

Tears stung my eyes as I suddenly narrowed my eyebrows, feeling only the pain of the last couple of hours as I glared at him. Though as soon as I saw the look on his face, I softened a little. 

"Why?" I say, so much pain and sorrow and worry and panic, all filled into that one word. He looked down, silenced once again. The frustration came again.

"Don't go all silent on me now. I need an explanation! Why?! Why would you try to do that to yourself?" My voice was building up and I knew I needed to calm down or it might be dangerous for both of us.

He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out, he slowly closed it again and when I looked at his eyes, I saw tears in them. That sight alone sent the tears I had been holding in, streaming down my face. 

I sob and bawl for a little while,  while tears start to come silently down his face, his eyes still trained on the floor.

"I-..." I was cut short by another sob coming from my chest. I take a few deep breaths and speak again.

"Why wouldn't you come to me? Is it that you don't trust me? Or you don't think I can take it?" Hurt and somehow betrayal were flooding my system now. "The only thing I wouldn't be able to take... is losing you..." He coughs slightly then looks at me.

"Y-Yoosung-....I-...I don't know....I just- I had a breakdown, I... couldn't think straight-I... I'm sorry..." With that, I stood up, and you could almost see the panic in his eyes.

I slowly move over to the hospital bed and carefully sit down beside him, Wrapping my arms around him and shoving my face into his shoulder. After a few minutes of this, I pull my face away and make him look into my eyes.

"Saeran... You're never alone in any of this. I might be young, but I know that I love you more than anything in this world, I would never, ever leave you, no matter what. If you have problems, it hurts me when you keep them and your feelings to yourself. I want you to be happy more than anything and I would do anything for you." 


"You're the love of my life and one of my reasons to live, Saeran. I need you to trust me and I need you to lean on me because you always can. You're always there for me and I want to always be there for you. But you have to let me." 

He chokes out a sob and suddenly wraps his arms around me, returning the hug with passion and love. 

"I- okay Yoosung....I'll try." 

I stroke his hair as he cries into my shoulder. 

"That's all I need... for you to try." 

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