Headcanons (Angst)

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Trigger Warnings for some of these! 

1. Even after recovery and rehab, Saeran had many problems that would never leave, one being the fact that he sometimes still thinks of hurting people, Yoosung included, and it absolutely kills him to have those thoughts.

2. Saeran has tried to leave Yoosung before, for his own protection, but he always remembered how happy he was with him after a few days and Yoosung welcomes him back after they straighten the situation out. 

3. That doesn't mean Yoosung isn't completely shattered when it happens. It's happened a couple of times and a few of those times Saeran just up and left before Yoosung wakes up, leaving nothing but a note explaining that he just couldn't do it anymore. Yoosung often thinks he did something that made Saeran hate him, or worries if Saeran's alright. He calls Saeyoung, sobbing and barely able to explain what happened.

4. Yoosung gets stressed and frustrated very easily, especially when it comes to schoolwork. It sometimes gets to the point that it just builds up and he cries, unable to focus and certain that he's going to fail a class. 

5. Yoosung gets into depressive episodes sometimes and when he does he then gets angry at himself for being upset over his problems because there are other people much worse off, including Saeran. Saeran has to remind him so much that he's allowed to be upset too. 

6. Sometimes Saeran gets jealous of Yoosung, he's just so loved by everyone and so happy all the time and Saeran wants that so much but knows he could never reach that.

7. Saeran couldn't stand to look at his mint eye tattoo. At all. He would wear long sleeves all the time but then he could almost feel it in his skin, it almost felt as if it was burning his flesh away around it. During one of his worse episodes, he took a knife to it and tried to somehow scrape the ink off, Yoosung found him covered in blood and squeezing his arm, sobbing. He eventually got the tattoo removed and felt like a weight had been lifted off him.

8. Living in a city, they hear police sirens quite often, and it scares Saeran. For some reason, just the sound can have him going into a panic attack and locking all of the doors.

9. Yoosung was very concerned about what Saeran would do if he ever noticed just how much Yoosung looked like Rika, but Saeran never seemed to notice. Or at least didn't care quite as much as Yoosung worried he would. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2020 ⏰

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