Mine or no ones (Fluff)

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This is sort of my alternate response to the request. Much fluffier and happier ^^

It was too early on in my recovery for this.

I had even made sure to tell Saeyoung that. 

I wasn't ready. I could very well hurt whatever poor soul he decided would meet me. I wasn't used to acting kind, I could hurt them emotionally if not physically. But no matter how many times I tried to deter his idea, Saeyoung didn't listen. Well I mean, he listened, but he just told me it would be good for me. That I might surprise myself. He told me he knew I was good and I just needed to believe it too.

The moment I saw the person he picked to try and get through to me, I questioned my decisions. 

He was perfect. He was adorable and beautiful. I don't know what kind of luck I must have had to be able to meet him. The first words he said to me still make my heart speed up when I think of them.

"Hi Saeran! I'm Yoosung, it's so nice to finally meet you." He had done this thing where he smiled, tilted his head, and closed his eyes. I can't get it out of my head. At the time there were a million things I could have said but didn't.

I wasn't able to do anything but look down and blush bright red. Yoosung had seemed surprised and Saeyoung laughed, which made Yoosung laugh too, which made me blush more. Not from embarrassment, but from the fact of how perfect his laugh was. It filled me with butterflies and made me want to laugh too, just to hear him do it more. 

I couldn't though, my throat felt sticky and my face burned. He was too perfect. Was this love? It had to be. Nothing else made you feel like this right? 

The second time Yoosung visited, there had been a point in the conversation when Saeyoung wrapped his arm around Yoosung's shoulders while making a joke. Yoosung had pushed him away while laughing, and I knew it was a joke. But it filled me with this emptiness that I couldn't describe. I pushed it down and acted happy for Yoosung though. If I acted upset he would get upset, and I don't want that at all. 

I quickly came to the decision that I wouldn't do anything to try and make Yoosung fall for me. If it happens it happens. But if it doesn't happen I'll still look over him. If he won't fall for me then he can't fall for anyone else. I don't know if I could take that...

But the weirdest thing is one time when we were talking, he made me laugh, but when I looked back at him, his face was red, his face looked so pretty with a blush though that it swept my mind of any speculation.

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