Drunken nights (fluff)

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Just imagine for this one Saeyoung's house has a big, grassy, open backyard. Little steamy and some suggestive themes but no smut. Also pretty short, I wrote it during class ok?

The moon sort of shook in the sky, it was strange but at the same time, wonderful. Saeran lost his balance in a drunken surge of gravity and leaned on Yoosung as the stood there. Though it didn't help much considering Yoosung was also wobbly on his feet. They both ended up stumbling and falling to the ground in a giggly, messy pile.

"Saeran, we should go inside," He only sounded half-serious, still giggling. Saeran rolled his eyes and looked at Yoosung with a look that was far more childish and desperate than he meant for it to be.

"Come on, let's be irresponsible teenagers for once." He grinned and nuzzled his face into Yoosung's cheek. Yoosung let out another giggle.

"Saeran, we aren't teenagers. We're adults. We're supposed to be responsible." Yoosung untangled his limbs from Saeran's and spread out on the ground, staring up at the stars. Saeran sat up slightly and hugged his knees, looking a little more serious now.

"We have our whole lives to be adults. Let's just take one night to leave that all behind, have fun." Yoosung then remembers that Saeran didn't really have this kind of chance. The stupidest thing such as getting drunk on alcohol that he found while snooping in the cupboards and giggling out under the stars with his boyfriend wasn't an option for him as a teen.

Yoosung looks up at the other man and the drunken blush he was sporting. He looked happy, not a true happy though. The kind of happy you get by being distracted from your daily life. He sat up and grabbed Saeran's face in his hands, bringing his face closer. Just when their lips were about to touch, he noticed the smile in Saeran's face change. It looked more real now, more natural. Yoosung smiled wide and then smashed his lips onto his boyfriend's. Saeran jumped a little at the intensity and suddenness of the kiss but soon loosened up and kissed back. The kiss got more intense and Saeran brought Yoosung into his lap. After a few moments, Yoosung pulled away panting. 

"I... I love you, Saeran." His blush got more intense and he looked up at the sky as he said it. He heard Saeran let out a low laugh and when Yoosung looked back at him he was grinning. Yoosung tilted his head. 

"What's so funny?" He asked, confused and a little nervous. Saeran didn't say it back. Did he not love him anymore? Is that why he seemed not quite as happy as he should? No, of course not. They had been together for a while. Surely Yoosung would notice if he stopped loving him.

Saeran looked up into Yoosung's eyes for a few seconds before mumbling, 

"You're adorable." He then grabbed Yoosung's shoulders and leaned forward, bringing them both to the ground. Yoosung on his back and Saeran leaning over him. As soon as his back was against the ground, Yoosung found Saeran's lips pressed against his firmly. Yoosung closed his eyes and wrapped his arms loosely around Saeran's neck, pulling him closer.

Saeran licked along Yoosung's lower lip and Yoosung eagerly opened his mouth into the kiss, making Saeran chuckle. They continued and just as Saeran was sliding his knee between Yoosung's legs, they heard a car pulling into the driveway on the other side of the house. They both quickly pulled away. Saeyoung and his fiance were back. 

"Fuck." Saeran mumbles as they stand up and start walking back to the house so that Saeyoung wouldn't ask why they were just laying in the backyard at 10 pm. 

Before they entered the house, Saeran grabbed Yoosung by the arm.

"Hey, Yoosung." Yoosung looked back at him, raising an eyebrow. "I love you too." The moment what he had said registered in Yoosung's brain, his face broke into a grin and he pushed the backdoor open. Before he walked in though, Saeran pulled him close by his arm and whispered in his ear,

"I was hoping we could finish what we started after Saeyoung and Mc are asleep." Yoosung broke out in another blush and nodded quickly while rushing into the house. 

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