a regular night

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(Your POV)
(S/C) = school name
(E/C)= eye color
\\who uses time skips in the beginning of a story?...me. Time skip to 5:00 in the morning//
'UGGGHHH... Why is my alarm going off? I thought i set it last night so i could sleep in, whatever' you think  to yourself. You slam down the snooze button in anger and it kinda hurt your hand,but you didn't care, it was to early to be doing this. 'I guess i can get some fresh air, hmmm.. Its pretty dark.. Meh, i don't care' you oh so quietly sneak out your bedroom and out the house, trying not to wake anyone up, especially your mom. 'It would be a very good idea to walk over to my school at 5:00 in the morning, this decision will definitely not bite me in the ass later' you walk past your school and look at the huge sign in front of it. (S/N)...for some reason there was an urge inside of you that wanted to make you tear that huge sign down. That urge quickly went away when you saw this dude in a cloak walking towards you. 'wait..is that lucifer?? Why is he here so early?? why is he at the school?? Wait. IM IN MY PAJAMAS HE CANT SEE ME LIKE THIS' you quickly jump into a bush hoping that he didn't see you..just your luck because- "(Y/N)? What are you doing in that shrub?" ohno. He spotted you. "OH HI LUCIFER WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE I SHOULD BE ASKING THE QUESTIONS-" There was a very long moment of silence, you both were looking eye to eye at each other and you could clearly see the amount of concern in his face. "I..uh.. Its a very nice night, i like going for uh, walks in the dark. Now awnser my question." Lucifer said in a mischievous tone. "OH WELLMMMMMM.. SAME HERE BUDZO." you couldn't help but get one of those high pitched squeaky voices. Being in the dark and talking to your crush in front of the school isnt a very common situation. "budzo? Whatever, i have to go do things now. You go on and walk away" He walked towards the back door of the school, what kind of secrets does he have? Why is he hiding it from lil ol me? 'I..should i stop him?..no..this is already as awkward as it is now huh?' There was a huge slamming noise behind the school, and then you saw lucifer run away and down the other street. 'I shouldn't interfere, i need to get home anyways' When you were walking the other way, about to get to your house, you stoped at the trail that lucifer left. Although it was a bit to dark, you could still make out what the object was, it seemed to be rocks...just..rocks. Like pebbles, but just a little bit bigger.
'What in the world is he doing with rocks?' You thought to yourself. You saw the sun beginning to rise, it was really beautiful. 'Wait if the sun is rising, THEN I HAVE TO GET HOME O SHOOT-' you ran sonic speed fast all the way home.

Satan x reader (Will Probably Never Be Finished)Where stories live. Discover now