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The last one was kinda short so i decided to make another one in the samedayinrjgjrfj
F/Ns POV (still)
I quickly push away Y/N and turn around to see lucifer standing up perfectly fine, well, except for that hollow hole in his chest.
"Foolish, i thought you would have known better since you knew all about this portal and all, but i guess i should be the one to tell you. You can't kill a god."
Y/N wipes away thier tears and calls out " aren't a god, you're the son of a god."
Lucifer put on a angry-ish kind of face and lifts up his finger like he's going to say something clever, but then puts his hand down. "Well- uhm. Im still alive so that doesn't matter right now..ANYWHO" He looks at me DEAD in the eye, if looks could kill, I'd be dead right now.
Although, something tells me im gonna be dead in a couple of seconds anyway.
"At first i was going to forgive you for snooping into my little portal, and put this off as a misunderstanding, but you have the AUDACITY to stab me, and think that you two will live happily ever after?"
I gulp, i shouldn't have done this, this was horrible mistake, i regret every second of this. "Well..." He says calmly, picking up the knife in front of me. I brace for impact. This is the end of the line for me. "You can have your 'happily ever after' "
I look up at him, still inspecting the knife. "W-wait, really?! You aren't gonna kill me?" I say excited as ever, WHEW, i really thought i was a gonner there.
"Of course, i see that i serve no purpose here. Y/N is a gullible as ever. I would never make them my queen, even at that my main goal was to get home. Not socialize."
Y/N puts on a annoyed smirk "gee, thanks for calling me gullible" They sigh.
"What? It's true! You believed your little friend here when they said i was a bad guy, so don't be so sure." He crosses his arms and looks at the scenery.
"Anywho, i should get going now...ill let you idiots go, and ill be on my way home now. Go on! Shoo!"
I pick up my bag and my knife without hesitation and speed walk away from the woods, Y/N by my side.
I guess this would be the better time to tell them now.
"So, Y/N...ive been needing to tell you something"
I do that weird 'scratch behind my head' thing when people are about to confess something.
"Honestly, i would die to listen to anything else after all that." She giggles that gfnfrikin cute giggle.
"The reason i was doing all that stuff in the first place was cause i didn't want you to leave me behind, and..well you. LIKE.. LIKE YOU, if you catch my drift."
I avoid eye contact so it wouldn't be awkward if she said no, even if she did i could just say 'hah me too LOL' the perfect back up plan.
"F/N! You're so funny! you too.
It's kind why i was debating weather i should go with him or not. I see that lucifer isn't a very good decision im glad to know that you like me back"
I hear a very faint 'i heard that!' In the distance, but i ignore it.
"W-wow..really? Does this mean, know... A t-thing now?"
I stutter, getting all excited.
"Of course it does! Just don't be too weird about it you dork.."
I wipe the non existent sweat from my head, wow, that when ALOT better than i thought it would.
"C-cool! Well.. I guess i should be going now huh? See you at school?"
I point finger guns at them while i walk across the street backwards.
"Yea, see you at school F/N" They point finger guns back at me and we both go our separate ways

I would say 'THE END' but it's not the end theres still more-

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2020 ⏰

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