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Get that tea ready sis
Still Y/Ns POV
"I-I UHMM" i stutter being incredibly flustered, why would Lucifer..SATAN HIMSELF out of all people ask me to be his queen? Or..would it be princess now that i think about it. THAT DOESN'T MATTER. He basically just asked me to date him!
"I-i cant! I have to stay on earth!" I say with worry in my voice, what will my mother think if i go with him? What will F/N think? I can't be with Lucifer...not like this. The blonde haired kid suddenly grabs my arm and pulls me closer to his face. "Yes you can, y/n! It'll be like nothing ever happened! I can make your existence to the world be no more, just a simple snap and no one will remember you." Lucifer said, he seemed very angry from me declining his offer. What would happen if i said no? WOULD HE KILL ME!?
"I shouldn't..i-i-i.... I need more time to think about this Lucifer." I yanked my arm away from his hand and started to walk away. This is a very big decision i have to make, hmmmmmm.
I know! I'll ask F/N what i should do! They're really good at relationship things.

Time skip to F/Ns house brought to you by: stale Cheerios and root beer

I punch the door bell about a million times and F/N opens the door, looking annoyed as usual.
"First our door, now our door BELL? What could be this important for you to break my h-" I stop her mid sentence yelling "F/N LUCIFER WANTS ME TO MAKE HIM HIS QUEEN..or..princess? I dunno BUT HE WANTS TO DATE ME!"
As soon as those words escaped my mouth F/N looked at me blankly and shut the door in my face. "Wha- F/N no please! I need you to help me decide if i should go with him or not!" I say banging my fists on the door. No response. "SIGH... i guess ill have to decide for myself, maybe my good ol friend google and youtube could help me make the decision instead"
I walk away, following the side walk to my house

w-what? Lucifer wants to date Y/N? I know i should always be very supportive of my friend for her accomplishments, but i think of Y/N as more than a friend. They're just so sweet...and kind...and beautiful..and...and
I just cant find the right words, there are just to many to choose from.
That doesn't matter right now, all that matters is that i need to get that goat away from Y/N.
I call it "out of sight, out of mind" If Y/N sees Lucifer less and less then maybe they will stop caring about him. Then when i keep hanging around Y/N more and more, she'll keep thinking of me.
Yes! Brilliant plan, me! I just have to think about how this can be done quickly and


Satan x reader (Will Probably Never Be Finished)Where stories live. Discover now