How can you say you know me
When you do not know the demons
The haunt me
When the house did quiet
And darkness engulfs me

How can you say you know me
When you do not see the doubt
Written clearly behind my irises
Light brings the darkest shadows
But you choose to focus
On the light
And ignore
Everything behind it

How can you say you know me
When you have not heard my voice
The voice that fills my head
Hidden behind every comment
Every spite
And every laugh

How can you say you know me
When you do not see me
Already you tell me
What I am
Because instead of hiding in the light
I hide in the darkness
In the black fabrics
The dried petals

How can you say you know me
When I hide behind
Smoke and mirrors
Why do you make it
So hard for me
To drop the armor
To unlock the door

So how can you still say you know me
When you know nothing at all

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