You promised

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"Sup guys-" Larry began

"Nope, no 'Sup guys' introduce us to the new kid" A brunette female said in excitement. Sal was hiding behind Larry, Ash smiled and waved at him, he gave a small wave back.

"Yea Larry, you've been ignoring our requests to meet him" a boy with bright orange hair spoke up.

"Yea, sorry Ash, sorry Todd. It's just he's a little shy..." Ash rolled her eyes

"You act like we're gonna bite him" She got up and stuck out her hand towards Sal, "Hi, I'm Ashley, these are my friends Todd, Neil, Chug, and Maple" Sal smiled and shook her hand,

"I'm Sal, but you can call me Sally if you want" Sal blushed as the handshake turned into a hug. Sal and Larry took a seat, and lunch was filled with laughs and conversations about the stupidest shit. Sal's day was turning up, Lunch ended and he, Larry, and Ash headed to their last class.

//time skip//

It was the end of the day, Sal and Larry started to head home,

"Hey wanna hang in my room?" Larry asked

"Sure, my dad don't home until tomorrow so why not?" Sal said, he was smiling. He loved to hang out at Larry's place, when he was there, it felt like he had a family. Lisa was like a second mom to him, and Larry was more than just a brother to him.

They arrived at the apartments and immediately headed down to the basement. Lisa was just about to head out it seemed,

"Oh hey boys, happy to see you Sal! I was just about to head up to three, help yourselves to whatever. I'll be back before dinner! See ya" and she was off. The two boys shrugged and set there bags next to the front door.

"You hungry?" Larry asked, Sal hummed in response. Little known fact, Larry was an AMAZING cook but kept it a secret because it was 'personal'. "Okkkk I'm in the mood for pancakes, what about you?"

"HELL YEA!" Pancakes were Sal's favorite food in the world, even saying "If I had to live off of only one food, it'd be pancakes" Larry laughed and got to cooking while Sal sat on the counter, watching right over Larry's shoulder.

"Damn, you my cat or something?" Larry joked, Sal meowed in response, causing laughter to erupt from both of them. Once the pancakes were done, Sal stuffed them down his throat in record time. "Jesus FUCK, do you get fed at your house?? You eat like you've never eaten anything in your life!" Sal glared at Larry,

"Same for you and pizza! If you could, I'm sure you'd eat the box!" Sal retorted,

"Oohhhh, little Sal is sooo scary when he's mad" The brunette teased, Sal crossed his arms and turned away from Larry. This earned a laugh from both of them. They finished the pancakes and headed to Larry's room.

Sal jumped face first, well technically mask first, onto Larry's bed which was probably the most comfortable thing in the world.

"You remember how I asked you why you were always tired?" Larry asked

"Ummmm yea..?"

"And you told me it's cuz you get nightmares?" Sal hummed in response, wondering where Larry was going with this. The brunette pulled something out of one of his drawers.

"Well um, I found these walkie talkies that my dad and I used to use in storage... And I uh wanted to give one to you" Larry threw one of the small black boxes next to Sal, the younger boy picked it up and examined it, "Call me anytime you get them, ok?"

"Thanks man, my dad used to help me with them but...." His voice trailed off, he didn't know if he was ready to tell Larry about the things that happened in Jersey.

"Hey man, it's fine if you're not ready to talk about it. I understand" Sal smiled, that was one of the things he loved about Larry, he knew to not to be pushy during things like this.

"Thanks dude" they continued to talk about the most random things, doing the most random shit, and having fun, something that always happened when they hung out. Sal checked the time, it was 7pm already, "I'm gonna head home, gotta feed my cat"

"Ok then, see ya around man" Larry said, a little sad that Sal had to leave. He got up and walked Sal to the elevator, they said bye one more time as the elevator door closed. Sal sat in the elevator, the music was off,

Probably broken again he thought, he heard the 'ding' and stepped off, he headed to the room. He inserted the room key and turned it, the door was already unlocked. Weird, I swear I locked it this morning... He shrugged it off, walking into the room. A familiar scent hit him in the face, a scent that came with many memories, all of which were bad ones. It was the scent of alcohol,

Oh God dad, you didn't

But the sight in front of him only proved his theory correct. Empty caskets of beer littered the floor, his dad was asleep in the middle of all of it.

You promised...


Poor baby Sal :(
Sorry that this is short, I just wanted to minimize the events in this one.

Pigtails and Pills [❤Sal x Larry❤] (Discontinued, Sorry :( )Where stories live. Discover now