Safe Spot

470 7 15

TW: Drug use, abusive acts

Larry's smile dropped, he felt a lump in his throat. He looked down at Sal's legs, they were covered in bruises that had Sal admitted were from Travis awhile ago, does that mean the hickeys are from him too? Larry felt as if he were about to cry but he knew he couldn't wake Sal up so he decided to talk to him in the morning. He lay with Sal in his arms, even the blissful silence couldn't calm his nerves, he grabbed his phone and checked the time, it read '4:56 November 18, Wednesday'. He sighed, they had school tomorrow. He looked out the window, he hadn't noticed until then that it'd started to snow.

//Next morning//

Sal woke up, he was freezing cold. He looked around, confused as to where he was, his eyes landed on his prosthetic lying on the ground. Panic set in, he reached for the mask but realized he couldn't get up. He looked up to see what was restricting him, realizing he was being held by Larry, the events of the previous night came back to him. Larry began to stir, opening one of his eyes.

"Mornin', Blue" He said groggily, he smiled.

"Morning, Larry Face" Larry rubbed his eyes,

"Dude, what time is it?" Sal grabbed Larry's phone from the ground, checking the time

"It's seven right now"

"Dude, it's too fucking early to wake up" Sal laughed and got up, pulling Larry with him. Sal grabbed his prosthetic, and tied his hair into pigtails with the hair ties he kept on his wrist. Larry looked around, shifting uncomfortably, remembering the hickeys he saw.

"Is there something wrong...?" Sal asked, Larry sighed

"I'll....tell you later..." Larry shivered, "It's fucking cold, let's head to my place. We have school anyways.." He said. Sal was a little annoyed at Larry for changing the subject like that but stayed silent. The two ran as fast as they could into Larry's room,

"I'm gonna head to my room to get my-" he was cut off by Lisa entering the room,

"Oh, hey Sal! Didn't know that you stayed the night." She said, surprised

"Yes sorry..." He said, looking down in embarrassment.

"Oh it's fine, it's a pleasure to have you around. Anyways, I just wanted to tell y'all that school was cancelled because the snow. Oh! And your friend Ash has come to see you guys" She winked at the two, Larry rolled his eyes

"Ash is here?" Sal said in surprise

"That's what I said, didn't I? Well, I better get going, got work to do" and with that, Lisa walked off. Sal's surprise was quickly replaced by annoyance, now Larry won't tell him what's wrong.

"Well, we shouldn't keep her waiting. We don't want her to think she did her twenty-four hour makeup session for nothin" Larry finally said, they both laughed and headed to the living room. Ashley was sitting on the couch, texting someone on her phone. She looked up,

"Hey guys! Sorry for popping in so randomly, I had my mom drive me over here" Ash spoke, curling her hair around her fingers, something she did when she was embarrassed or nervous.

"Nah, it's fine! Glad to have you around.... I guess.." Larry said, muttering the last part so Ashley didn't hear.

"Soooo what are you doing here?" Sal asked

"Think I could say the same thing for you" Ash joked, "But I'm here to ask y'all about having a sleepover at my place! I already asked the rest of the gang and they all said yes! So you guys up for it?" She asked with the excitement. Sal and Larry looked at eachother, both moving their head, shrugging, nodding, but not saying a single word. "Ummm, is this some morse code shit that I was supposed to learn in French class or something?"

Pigtails and Pills [❤Sal x Larry❤] (Discontinued, Sorry :( )Where stories live. Discover now