Puffy Eyes

492 9 11

TW: Sexual harassment

Just my luck Sal thought to himself. Travis' grip tightened on his neck,

"Looks like I found the freak-of-the-school's hiding place" He hissed, Sal tried to squirm out of his grasp but it was no use, the blond was stronger than him. He felt Travis' hand reach behind his head, unbuckling his prosthetic. He took the mask off, throwing it onto the ground and proceeding to roughly kiss Sal, finally letting go the bluenette's throat. The blond pulled back to take a breath, Sal used this opportunity to try and scream but before he could make any noise, Travis began to kiss him again, his tongue entering Sal's mouth. He moved down to Sal's neck and started sucking and biting, leaving dark purple hickeys and bite marks. He moved down to his collar bone and did the same thing. He had been doing this to Sal for a couple weeks now but he never did what happened next, he reached down into Sal's jeans, into his boxers and started to stroke his length, Sal felt tears in his eyes, Travis pulled away from the kiss, holding Sal to the tree as he grabbed the smaller boy's penis and started to pump it,

"aAHh~" The noise Sal made was halfway between a scream and moan he couldn't help but make.

"I guess the sinner likes it" Travis said with a shit eating grin, Sal felt tears run down his cheeks. The bell rung, "Shit" the taller boy released his grasp, socking the smaller teen. Sal could feel a thick, warm liquid running down his nose. He fell to the ground as Travis kicked him repeatedly while he lay there, taking all of it. "Fucking fag" Travis spit as he turned and ran to his class. Sal was never one to cry, even when his father did things to him, it was rare that he'd cry. But he started to sob, and he let himself sob. But he knew that he couldn't stay there, he knew he had to go, whether it be home or back to class. He grabbed his prosthetic and he lifted himself up, flinching at the pain. He strapped the prosthetic on, and limped towards the entrance back into the school, he waited for the halls to clear. He saw Larry looking around the halls, he seemed worried, he started to make his way towards where Sal was but a teacher stopped him and sent him to class. Sal sighed in relief, Larry didn't see him. He stuck his head inside and looked around, not a single soul was in those halls. He made his way to the front of the school, slowed down by the bruises forming in his abdomen but made it. He walked outside, he'd never ditched school without Larry but he figured as long as no one saw him, he should be fine and he walked back to the apartments

//time skip//

He walked into his room, Gizmo was watching tv, something not too unusual. He walked to his bedroom, and changed into a Sanity's Fall hoodie; which he was pretty sure he stole from Larry due to the fact that it almost reached his knees; with just his boxers underneath. He crawled into bed, listening to the tv blaring from the other room.

Sal's POV

I feel someone's lips pressed against mine, they were soft and gentle. I opened my eyes to see Larry in front of me, I kissed back but I felt him pull away, Larry's face morphed into Travis'. He raised his fist and just as it collides with my face, everything goes black. My vision comes back to me, I'm holding onto the ledge of the apartment roof, I scream as I looks down. I hear footsteps and I see Larry above me,

"Larry!" Thank the lord, "please help- AAH" I scream as I feel him step onto my right hand, I let go with that hand. I feel the grip on my left hand loosen, he places his foot on top of my hand "Larry..please..." The pressure on my hand gets heavier as he shifts more weight onto his foot. I give in to the pain and let go of ledge as tears come to my eyes. I watch as Larry's face blurs into the oblivion.

Author's POV

Sal sat up, he was drenched in sweat, his face was flushed and tears ran down his cheeks. He looked out his window, it was pitch black outside. He started shaking, the aftershock of his nightmare was catching up to him and tears fell quicker and quicker. With one shaky hand, he reached for his walkie talkie

"L-larry?" His voice quavered, he got an immediate reply

"Sal? Sal you there? Jesus fuck, you had me so worried! I looked all around the school, I knocked on your door... Nobody answered... And-" he was cut off by Sal's sniffles "Dude are you okay?? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to raise my voice... "

"I-it's fine.... I had another nightmare... " Sal's voice was small and weak, and he was still sore from earlier that day.

"I'll be up there in a sec, hold on" and with that, only static emitted from the talkie. Sal sat in his bed, hugging his knees. Not even minutes later, he heard the knock at his front door. He strapped on his prosthetic and headed to the living room. He opened the door and looked up at his friend, he felt hot tears running down his scarred cheeks. Tears turned into cries. Cries turned into sobs. He felt Larry's arms wrap around him and hold him tightly to his chest.

"Shhhhh let it all out" Larry said, his voice was gentle and kind. Sal sobbed into his friends chest. Larry had never seen Sal like this, but it broke his heart. He stared into the room for a minute, thinking. A tiny smile crept across the brunette's face as he thought of an idea, "Hey, I wanna show you something" he said. He picked the smaller teen up with ease and held him like you would a small child. Sal closed his eyes and clung to his friend, he was still shaking quite a bit but was no longer crying, just sniffling. Larry carried Sal down to the basement, to his room, and out the back door. The air was crisp and cold and you could see their breaths. All of a sudden Sal could feel Larry shift Sal to where he was being carried by one arm, he heard Larry climbing up something. He opened his eyes and realized they were climbing into what seemed to be a treehouse. They entered through a trapdoor and Larry set Sal down on the floor as he climbed in himself. Sal looked around in amazement

"This place is awesome" Sal said, his voice a little hoarse from crying. He got up, and walked around the room, he stopped at a wall covered in art, he looked back at Larry who was walking around the treehouse

"Glad you liked it, my dad actually built it for me" Larry said, a sad look in his eye as he said 'dad'. Sal recognized it, it was the same look he had whenever he said 'mom'. "I've never actually shown anyone this place, but... I trust you Sal" the bluenette could feel his face heating up. His eyes came across a painting, it was a painting of him. The painting had him taking off his mask, but his face was replaced with blue flowers. He stared at it in awe, it was so realistic. He stood there thinking to himself, he turned to Larry who was now sitting in one out of the two beanbags in the room. He sat down in front of Larry.

"I...I trust you too" he took a deep breath and reached behind his mask, he unbuckled the bottom buckle. Larry looked into Sal's eyes, he didn't say anything in fear Sal might change his mind. Sal unbuckled the top buckle and pulled the prosthetic down to reveal his severely scarred face, Larry just stared, he thought Sal looked beautiful.

"Dude...you look...extraordinary" Sal felt tears come to his eyes, he started to sniffle once more, "I'm sorry! Did I say something wrong? I'm so sorry! I-"

"You didn't look away.." Sal's voice was almost inaudible

"I'm- wait, huh?"

"You didn't look away.." Larry heard him this time, he stood, frozen but after a few moments, wrapped his arms around Sal, holding him close

"Dude, why would I ever look away? You're beautiful" Larry's face grew red as he realized what he said, it grew redder because he knew he meant it.

He's just a friend, I'm not gay.... Friends can say that to each other, right? Yea, I'm not gay he thought to himself, he looked down and realized that Sal had fallen asleep on his chest, "god, he looks adorable when he sleeps.." He whispered to himself, nevermind he thought, definitely gay. He smiled to himself, looking down at Sal and kissing his forehead.

That's when he noticed the hickeys

Omg this chapter SUCKS, sorry. I had rushed this kinda and got lazy towards the end and I'm sorry it's cheezy, but yea!
Thank you SO much for over 100 reads! I never thought that ppl would actually enjoy this trash so thank you all so much! ❤❤❤

Pigtails and Pills [❤Sal x Larry❤] (Discontinued, Sorry :( )Where stories live. Discover now